Throughout the duration of my learning in this course, I engaged with two major themes: growth and compassion. I felt my development this semester reflected that of a sunset, something that is constantly changing to become an even more beautiful version of itself that everyone can enjoy.
By exploring growth and compassion in relation to multiculturalism, I was able to better approach intercultural interactions and inclusivity.
When reflecting on my growth in this course, I found I had adopted more inclusive personal and interpersonal skills that I will use in my interactions. I have learned how to communicate effectively with people of varying cultures and I have become more aware of the impact of my actions and the significance of my privilege as someone who has only known life in Canada and who is white.
This class focused on developing compassion by exploring the experiences of individuals different from oneself. This approach allowed for understanding and compassion in conversations, as conversing with people of different perspectives can be challenging and frustrating. Compassion helps control feelings and ensures mindfulness of how words may affect others, which is vital for education and growth. This approach was a significant development in my understanding of others.
The photo I have chosen captures the essence of change and its beauty, reflecting the natural beauty of development and change. Sunsets, shared by many people, represent shared values and experiences explored in this course. Examining a sunset as a representation of these values can help reflect on and explain insights. The graphic, captured in my hometown of Toronto, highlights the significance of growth regardless of one's background and how it impacts multiculturalism. This photo serves as a reminder of the impact of change on personal growth.
Heather Burns, HR 261, Human Rights & Human Diversity, Brantford