Submit Photos of Your International Experience
We love to see photos of Laurier students who have gone abroad and we are always happy for you to send photos to us. Any photos you share with us could be used in our promotional materials, such as brochures and viewbooks, as well as on our website and on social media.
If you are interested in sharing your photos with us, here's what you need to know!
How to Submit Your Photos
It is best to send us photos in the highest resolution possible, but this can make for large email attachments. We're happy to work with you on how you prefer to share your photos, whether through a program like Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer or iCloud for sharing multiple photos or larger files, or through email at exchange@wlu.ca for single photos and smaller files.
When you send them in, be sure to tell us about each photo so we know where you are and what you're doing.
What Kind of Photos to Submit
Many students who go abroad like to travel and travel photos are always great, but we would like to see more images of where you are and what you are doing during your international experience.
If you are on exchange, show us your classrooms and campus buildings, your residence or living accommodations, and your favourite spots on campus, or the best spots in the town or city where you are staying. And the first-day-of-classes shot is always a favourite!
If you are on a field course, volunteer trip or other international experience, share images of the most interesting or impactful moments of your trip.
Include yourself in as many of the photos as you wish, especially if you are wearing Laurier swag.
Please don't send in photos that include children, or show partying or drinking, and always be respectful when taking and sharing photos.
On Social Media
If you plan to post photos from your time abroad to social media, be sure to use the hashtag #HawkAbroad. That way, we'll be able to follow along with your adventures!
Photo Permissions
There may be instances when we see a photo of yours on social media that we would like to share. When this happens, we will contact you directly to ask your permission and we won't share anything without your permission.
If you have any questions regarding permissions, or anything else related to sharing photos with us, please contact us at exchange@wlu.ca.