Centre for Student Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The Centre for Student Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CSEDI) works to cultivate a culture on campus that respects and promotes equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) and social justice in all aspects of Laurier – from classrooms to residence communities.

We provide support, education and spaces for students to find community and engage in EDI initiatives.

Reasons to Connect with Us

  • You are seeking support for yourself or someone you know after an experience of harm such as racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, or colonial violence.
  • You are seeking community and would like to be connected to CSEDI student-run services that provide peer support, educational and social opportunities.
  • You are seeking advocacy, systems navigation, or support with internal or external institutional processes.
  • You are seeking education and resources related to student equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
  • You are interested in research and policy related to student EDI.
  • You are interested in EDI student staff, practicum, service learning or experiential learning opportunities.

Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management

The Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management was designed to create pathways for you to access multi-partial and confidential supports and services. The office helps Laurier students who have experienced harassment, discrimination, bullying, a toxic work or learning environment, significant interpersonal conflict, or a misapplication of university policy. They also support students who have experienced gendered and sexual violence on or off campus, or before coming to Laurier.

Looking for other supports? Find the support that meets your individual needs from our support offices.  

Reporting Incidents to Support Equity (RISE) Form

The RISE form was developed to help us understand patterns and trends of harm that take shape in the Laurier community.

This online form is for you to disclose incidents of harm or bias you experience or witness, such as actions motivated by prejudice against someone based on an identity or protected ground. You can choose to have your disclosure be anonymous. Any information that could identify you will never be publicly released in any reports.

Learn more about or submit a disclosure through the RISE form.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Laurier

Related Services and Support

Finding the right office for your needs can feel challenging. Use our find your support resource page to guide you.

diverse group of students

Contact Us

Email: diversity@wlu.ca

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Room 1C11-A, Arts C-Wing


Student Centre, second (top floor), 103 Darling St.