Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Support
If you have been impacted by sexual violence, it’s never your fault. We believe you.
If you're not sure what to do or where to turn, a good place to start is with Laurier’s Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Supports. You can talk with the sexual violence support and advocacy staff about what happened to you. We are here to listen and, when you’re ready, we can give you information about what your options are, how you can find more support, and what next steps you might consider taking. We support students who have experienced gendered and sexual violence on or off campus, or before you came to Laurier.
You are not alone. Reach out.
How We can Help
- Supports: Direct support; referrals to on- and off-campus counselling; safety planning; crisis planning; and risk assessment.
- Advocacy: Advocacy for those needing academic, residence and workplace accommodations, as well as support with systems navigation throughout processes on campus and in the community.
- Resources: Trauma-informed resources for all individuals impacted by gendered and sexual violence, including those supporting survivors.
- Complaints and Accountability Processes: Information, support and assistance to help you understand your options and make informed decisions about next steps, which might include reporting, mediation, or involving the police.
- Education and Programming: Events and workshops; training for students, staff and faculty.
- Consultations: Feedback and information sharing for staff and faculty on course material, systems navigation, referrals, training, advocacy, and rights and responsibilities.
- Statistics Tracking: Tracking anonymized data on annual rates of disclosures and reports of sexual violence on campus. Learn more about our commitment to confidentiality.
Need Help Right Now?
Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Supports:
24 Hour Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Lines:
- Waterloo: 519.741.8633
- Brantford: 519.751.3471
- 911
Special Constable Services:
- Waterloo: 519.885.3333, or from an internal phone x3333.
- Brantford: 519.770.3778, or from an internal phone x3333.
Our Community. Our Responsibility.
At Laurier, we are committed to fostering a university culture where:
- Gendered and sexual violence is unacceptable and is not tolerated;
- Survivors are believed and supported with compassion, dignity and respect;
- There are a range of supports available to survivors, which are responsive to their intersecting identities, lived experiences and healing needs;
- All members of the university community have access to education about gendered and sexual violence; and
- Individuals and groups who commit acts of gendered and/or sexual violence are held accountable through university procedures that follow principles of fairness.
The GSVTF is required to provide its Board of Governors and the MCTU an annual public report highlighting the activities and actions of the university as well as recommendations for future actions and initiatives with the goal of addressing and eradicating sexual violence on our campus.
Laurier's Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Supports operates on the sacred and traditional land of the Anishnawbe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.