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PhD Progress and Activity Reports

The Progress and Activity Report highlights your progression through your PhD program, to identify successful achievements, professional development opportunities, and any areas for improvement.

The process is undertaken collaboratively between you and the full advisory committee. 

Every doctoral student is required to submit a progress and activity report to their advisor by April 15.

If you hold a multi-year external scholarship (e.g., TriCouncil), this completed report will be used to confirm progression for continued eligibility and may be released to the granting agency, if required, for audit purposes.  

Review Process

The review process for the report is as follows: 

  1. Your advisor reviews the report and is commented on by the full advisory committee. 
  2. Full report (includes your statement and the advisor's submission) is reviewed and acknowledged by you and your program's graduate officer. 

Submission Deadlines

The full report, including your submission, is due to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies by June 1

Late submission of this report may result in a delay of your financial support from the university. 

Graduate Student Advisor Resource

Students and their advisors are encouraged to complete and review, at least on an annual basis, the Graduate Student Advisor Resource. The resource is intended:

  • To help establish a positive framework for the mentor/trainee relationship.
  • To articulate the expectations of the advisor and the student.
  • To promote a successful graduate student experience at Laurier.

Accessment Decisions

Three assessment decisions are available. 


This decision may be assigned if the student meets all the normal progression requirements in a timely and satisfactory manner. 

With Some Concerns

An assessment of "with some concerns" may be assigned only twice for the duration of your PhD program.


Only in exceptional cases or circumstances is this category available without an initial assessment of With Some Concerns and may be assigned if: 

  • You are not meeting the normal progression requirements of the degree and/or
  • Your academic and professional development is not meeting the overall expectations of the program, or
  • You have not met the requirements of the Action Plan following a second assessment of "with some concerns" in an earlier review period.