Enter student poster competition at Science Writers and Communicators of Canada conference
Science Writers and Communicators of Canada, an organization which aims to improve science communication to non-specialist audiences, is hosting a virtual conference from June 7 to 17. For the first time, the conference will feature a student poster competition. It is open to all undergraduate and graduate students, including those who graduate between now and June.
The poster session will take place during its own unique 90-minute slot within the main conference timetable. You will be able to select from two poster categories: writing/communication and general science research. The posters will be judged, and certificates – along with monetary prizes – will be awarded to the top posters in each category.
This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research or work. Remember that this is a conference for science writers and communicators, so the focus will be on your presentation and communication skills, not the quality of your research.
In order to apply, please fill out the application form by Friday, April 30 at 11:59pm EDT.
All applicants will be notified of abstract acceptance or rejection by Friday, May 7. At that point in time, further detailed instructions on poster submission and logistics will be provided to those who were accepted, including the poster submission deadline (one month from the date of abstract acceptance).