LED External Seminar Series
Did you know that the Laurier Department of Economics offers a weekly external seminar series?
Series coordinators, Jeff Chan, Nikolai Cook and Stephen Snudden, have put together a great line- up for this term with speakers from across the country covering a wide range of research topics.
Erica Myers, Canada Research Chair in Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics at the University of Calgary, kicked off our fall series on September 13th, presenting "Incentive-Based Pay and Building Decarbonization: Experimental Evidence from the Weatherization Assistance Program". Using a field experiment, the paper finds that performance bonuses offered to contractors while upgrading housing resulted in around 24% more energy saving -- generating at least more than $5 of social benefits per dollar invested. The Department has since hosted Sophie Osotimehin, Université du Québec à Montréal, who spoke on transportation costs, Felipe Valencia Caicedo, University of British Columbia, whose talk focuses on inequality and slavery in Brazil, and Ben Milner, University of Alberta, whose talk explored the impact of the 1870 Education Act and public education on the Welsh language in Wales.
Up next on October 25 is Dalibor Stevanovic, Chair in Macroeconomics and Forecasting from the Université du Québec à Montréal. Dalibor will be presenting research on how general and professional attention paid to inflation affects actual and expected inflation.
During the fall term, seminars take place Fridays from 11 am to 12:20 pm and are offered through a combination of remote and in-person delivery. All faculty and graduate students are welcome to attend any of the seminars. Check out our external seminar series page for more details.