FSW PhD Grade Reassessment Policy
The process, requirements, and timeframes outlined below follow and operationalize the Faculty of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies’ grade reassessment policy.
This policy applies when a student believes that the final course grade or a grade on a written assignment does not accurately reflect their academic performance.* A request for a grade reassessment of an individual course assignment can be made before a final grade for the course is received. In the case of a course grade reassessment, the student may identify the assignment or assignments they wish to have re-evaluated. The use of the grade reassessment policy may result in the grade being raised, lowered, or remaining the same.
Step 1: Informal Reassessment
The student should meet with the instructor to review the evaluation procedures and the decision on the written assignment(s) or examinations. The student should put their request in writing to the instructor providing support for the merits of their assignment(s) and grounds for the request.
In attempting to resolve the matter, the instructor may agree to reread the assignment or, in the case of an overall course grade, assignments identified by the student. Should the student not find this outcome satisfactory or if the faculty member is unwilling to provide an informal grade reassessment, the student may choose to have a formal grade reassessment completed within the FSW.
Step 2: Formal Grade Reassessment
The student makes a request for a formal grade reassessment in writing via email to the Associate Dean: PhD Program (or the Dean if the course instructor is the Associate Dean), copying the course instructor. In the request, the student describes the merits of their assignment(s) and outlines the grounds for the request, specifying the particular areas/issues or elements of an assignment or assignments where the student believes the grade does not accurately represent their academic performance.
The written request is to be accompanied by:
- A copy of the graded assignment(s) (original and/or re-graded by the original instructor)
- A copy of the assignment(s) without the student’s name and any comments or other information from the original instructor.
Timeframe: A request for a reassessment of a course grade should be made as soon as possible, but must be made within six weeks of receiving the final grade from the Office of the Registrar. When the grade posted date cannot be determined, the last day of that academic term as per the Graduate Academic Calendar will be used. A request for a grade reassessment of a course assignment can be made before a final grade is received.
Review Process: The Associate Dean will identify a suitable alternate instructor (who has previously taught the course or is familiar with the topic) who will be asked to regard the assignment(s), including assigning a grade (letter grade or Pass/Fail, depending on the course grading scheme). To respect FGPS policy, the instructor will have two weeks to complete this task. The instructor will be provided with
- The course syllabus and separate assignment description(s), if any (these are supplied by the course instructor)
- An unmarked copy of the assignment(s).
Within two weeks of receiving the instructor’s regrading of the paper(s), the Associate Dean will provide the student with the decision, in writing, and any feedback from the alternate instructor, copying the original course instructor. The grade reassessment provided by the alternate instructor may cause the grade to be raised, lowered, or remain the same.
Appeal: If the student is not satisfied with the grade assigned by this process, the student may appeal to the Graduate Student Appeals Committee.
* Presentations cannot be reassessed unless there is sufficient concrete evidence that can be re-evaluated. Thus, if a presentation reassessment is requested at the Associate Dean level, there must be supporting documentation/evidence that would include more than presentation slides. In such cases, after considering the detailed request from the student and rationale of the instructor for the assigned grade, the Associate Dean would determine what would constitute appropriate material for re-assessment. This may include supporting speaking notes that detailed the material presented for the assignment and/or an audio or video recording of the presentation, given that the recorded was made with the consent of the instructor, class, and co-presenters, if any.
Passed by FSW PhD Admissions, Curriculum and Student Affairs Committee, December 7, 2020