Complete the Student Financial Wellness Survey for your chance to win!
The Student Finance team has issued a survey on Student Financial Literacy to all current students. The survey was sent via email and is also available online via Qualtrics until January 21, 2024.
The annual survey collects information related to the knowledge and use of various financial resources and supports, personal financial habits and circumstances, as well as demographic information of student respondents. The intention of the survey is to better understand student financial knowledge, behavior and values. The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
By completing the survey, you can have a chance to win one of three $250 Laurier convenience dollars. Winners will be randomly selected.
We encourage you to complete the survey, as it provides valuable feedback. Laurier uses the results from the survey to improve institutional supports and services.
All responses will be kept strictly confidential, and participation in the survey is completely voluntary. The survey has received Laurier Research Ethics Board approval.