The Rhodes Scholarship
Upcoming Information Sessions:
Find out more about applying through the Canadian constituency for this prestigious opportunity for fully-funded postgraduate study at Oxford University! Hear from recent Canadian Scholars about their application journey and Oxford experience.
Hosted by Rhodes Trust:
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 4 pm ET.
Hosted by Laurier:
When different people come together in a shared spirit, exciting new things begin. The Rhodes Scholarship is a life-changing opportunity to join outstanding young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.
The Rhodes Scholarship is a fully funded, full time, postgraduate award which enables talented young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.
Applying for the Scholarship is a challenge, but it is an experience which has helped generations of young people to succeed. We encourage applications from talented students everywhere.
Rhodes Scholars come to the UK for two or more years and can apply to study most full-time postgraduate courses offered by Oxford University.
The Selection Criteria
There is no such thing as a 'type' when considering who gets selected for the Rhodes Scholarship. In fact the strength of the Scholarship comes from its diversity.
The criteria which determined the first Rhodes Scholars in 1902 still guide them today:
- literary and scholastic attainments (academic excellence)
- energy to use one's talents to the full (as demonstrated by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theatre, and artistic pursuits, particularly where teamwork is involved)
- truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship
- moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings.
The detailed eligibility criteria varies slightly depending on which constituency you are applying for. You can use our eligibility checker tool to find out if you meet the criteria and are eligible to apply for the Scholarship.
Requirements to Apply
The 2025 application and information package has not been released. This information below is based on previous year requirements and relates to Canadian applicants:
- You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person of Canada
- Students who are attending a Canadian university on a student visa are not eligible to apply.
- International students can see if they are eligible to apply through another region or may want to consider the Global application.
- Other regions may not require endorsement. Please review requirements on the website.
- Upon October 1, 2024, you must be at least 18 and have not reached your 24th birthday.
- Therefore, you must have been born after October 1, 2000, and on or before October 1, 2006.
You must have completed (or will have completed by June / July 2025) an undergraduate degree from a college or university (normally a Bachelor’s degree) to a sufficiently high standard to be admitted to postgraduate study at the University of Oxford.
- Must obtain the endorsement of the (undergraduate) university ("President's letter").
Application Process
To be eligible to apply for the Rhodes Scholarship, you must receive official university endorsement from the institution. You must complete Laurier’s internal application to be considered for Laurier’s endorsement of your application for the Rhodes Scholarship Program.
Cover page
Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, faculty, program of study, year of study.CV
(maximum 2 pages, 12 pt. font)Statement of Interest
maximum 1000 words
The personal statement is your chance to tell your story in your own voice: Who are you?
Your academic transcript and academic statement of study, your curriculum vitae, and your reference letters will provide the substantive detail of your commitments and accomplishments, whereas the personal statement gives you the opportunity to cast an overarching narrative for the selection committee.
The three prompts are set within the Rhodes leadership development framework that informs the Scholar Program at Rhodes House in Oxford. It asks for reflection and engagement within three interrelated spheres of three voices ‘self, others, and world’:
1st “self”:
Which Rhodes Scholar quality do you display most strongly, and how are other contexts and people helping you to develop the others? – this asks you to reflect on which of the Rhodes selection criteria you best exemplify. But we don’t expect you to be the ‘finished product’, we want to hear how you intend to evolve further.
2nd “others”:
What would you like to learn from the Rhodes and wider community in Oxford? – this asks you toreflect on the relationship between self and community, on how you want to learn from the Rhodes and othercommunities when you come to Oxford, and how you hope to grow through that experience.
3rd “world”:
From your place in the world, what is humanity’s greatest need? – this asks you to look at the world from the place that you are now and to reflect on what is missing in society, whilst considering the complexity and nuance of the world’s challenges. We are seeking in Rhodes Scholars people who aspire to make a difference and contribute in some way to “fighting the world’s fight.” Here we want to know your thoughts on what is most needed in the world.
You can find further guidance on the personal statement on the ‘Application Overview’ page of our website. By definition, each statement is individual; there is no single, “right”, model for the personal statement.
*Note that the fourth selection criterion of “Literary and scholastic attainments” are evidenced in your transcript, academic statement of study and academic reference letters.
A good referee is one who knows you well, rather than a well-known person who only knows you
superficially. Rhodes Scholarship referees are not typically personal friends, contemporaries or relatives. If a referee fits into one of these categories, they should make the connection clear within the reference.
Tip: Choose reliable people who are likely to respond to your request for a detailed reference, as their letters will be crucial to your application.
Three Academic References:
These referesees are primarily acquainted with the candidate through a teacher/student relationship, it is expected that the reference will concentrate primarily on academic quality and potential, although the assessment of other qualities will be welcomed.
Two Character References:
These referesees are better acquainted with the candidate through non-academic interests, it is expected that the refernce will concentrate on assessment of character and non-academic qualities, in the knowledge that the Committee is looking for scholars who show promise of outstanding achievement in later life. With reference to the selection criteria above, please pay particular attention to the following: energy to use their talents to the full; truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; moral force of character and instincts to lead.DEADLINE: May 29, 2025 (11:59 PM)
Laurier’s Endorsement Application:
It is your responsibility to ensure that referees submit their references online before the deadline.
Institutional endorsement
In order to receive a letter of endorsement from the President applicants are vetted internally by the scholarships committee. The selection committee will review the application packages, taking into consideration the selection criteria.
The institutional selection committee is comprised of (but is subject to change):
- President
- Vice President
- Student Awards Officer
If you are endorsed, you will receive support from our campus partners to ensure that your package is as strong as possible.
- Writing support from Teaching & Learning regarding your personal statement.
- Career and Co-op provide feedback to strengthen your resume.
- A faculty mentor will support the preparation of your package and provide feedback to your references.
Additional Resources
- Information for Candidates - Canada
- Guidance for Referees - Canada
- Courses covered by the Rhodes Scholarship
- An explanation of the types of graduate degrees at Oxford University
- Rhodes House Website
- Guidance on completing your application
- Conditions of Tenure
- University of Oxford English language proficiency
- University of Oxford Graduate Admissions
Contact Us:
Student Awards
The first Canadian Rhodes Scholars took up residence in Oxford in 1904, and since that time over a thousand Canadians have been awarded the Scholarship.
The Rhodes Scholarship is known as one of the most prestigious postgraduate awards, supporting exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. This award is intended to be awarded to those who are interested in "fighting the world's fights" or becoming exceptional leaders.
DEADLINE: May 29, 2025 (11:59 PM)
Laurier’s Endorsement Application:
It is your responsibility to ensure that referees submit their references online before the deadline.