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Student Profiles

Current PhDs

Current PhD students and their ongoing research:

  • Armstrong, William. "The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police? Community Policing in Toronto, 1982 to 2010". Supervisor:  Adam Crerar
  • Carpenter, Kess. "Politics & Pleasure: Battles Over Pornography in 1980s America." Supervisor: David Monod.
  • Deuxberry, Zachary. ‘The Politicization of the IPR: The Institute of Pacific Relations during the Interwar Period 1925-1937’ Supervisor: Blaine Chiasson.
  • Gibb, Brian.  In progress. Supervisor:  David Smith.
  • Johnston, Michelle. "Death and Rock and Roll." Supervisor: David Monod.
  • Kupis, Dorota. In progress. Supervisor:  Susan Neylan
  • Mansell, Paul. "1740: The Royal Navy, Weather, Typhus, and War." Supervisor:  Darryl Dee.
  • Morrison, Kelly.  "Memoire and Memory: The Contributions of British ‘Home Children’ to Canada’s Twentieth-Century War Efforts." Supervisor: Tarah Brookfield.
  • Oakes, Emily. In progress. Supervisor: Mark Humphries.
  • Pasierbek, Katrina. "Commemorating Canadians across the Western Front, 1914-1939." Supervisor: Mark Humphries.
  • Pritchard, Kyle. "A Clear and Present Danger: Canadian Munitions Supply and Occupational Health and Safety during the First World War." Supervisor:  Mark Humphries.
  • Ticky, Carolyne. In progress. Supervisor: Amy Milne-Smith.

Completed PhDs

  • Adema, Seth (April 2016), "More than Stone and Iron: Indigenous History and Incarceration in Canada, 1834-1996." Supervisor: Susan Neylan.
  • Balkilic, Ozgur (2015), "For the Union Makes Us Strong: The Istanbul Metal Workers and their Struggle for Unionization, 1947-1970.” Supervisor: Gavin Brockett.
  • Calow, Keith (2016), “The Origins, Establishment, and Early Work of the Court Martial Appeals Board of the Canadian Armed Forces, c. 1945-60.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Caravaggio, Angelo (2009), “Commanding the Green Line in Normandy: A Case Study of Division Command in the Second World War.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Connor, Steven (2007), “Golden Pheasants and Eastern Kings: The German Civil Administration in the Occupied Soviet Union, 1941-44.” Supervisor: Erich Haberer.
  • Cross, Gwenith (2018), “Managing Modern Childbirth: Medical Science, Technology and Midwifery in Ontario, 1897-1950." Supervisor: Cynthia Comacchio.
  • Cundy, Alyssa (2015), "A 'Weapon of Starvation': The Politics, Propaganda, and Morality of Britain's Hunger Blockade of Germany, 1914-1919.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Downey, D. Allan (2014), “The Creator's Game: Aboriginal Racialized Identities in Canada's Colonial Age, 1844-1990.” Supervisor: Susan Neylan.
  • Dunn, Brittany (2024), "Grief Amidst the Guns: Death in the Canadian Expeditionary Force on the Western Front." Supervisor: Mark Humphries.
  • Esau, Paul (2022), "A Departmental Dilemma: The Genesis of Canadian Military Export Policy, 1945-1960." Supervisor: Kevin Spooner.
  • Falcon, Kyle (2019), “The Ghost Story of the Great War: Spiritualism, Psychical Research and the British War Experience, 1914-1939.” Supervisor: Peter Farrugia.
  • Fransen, Bert (2015), “The Rise and Fall of Canada's Cold War Air Force, 1948-1968.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Gal, Andrea (2016), “Grassroots Consumption: Ontario Farm Families' Consumption Practices, 1900-1945.” Supervisor: Adam Crerar.
  • Granato, Rebecca (2017), "The Making of a State in Waiting:The Lives of Fatah Political Prisoners, 1967 to 1985." Supervisor: Gavin Brockett.
  • Greavette, Gordon (2013), “The Politics of Munitions Production in Canada, 1914-16.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Groat, Cody (2023), "Always a Part of the Land: Settler Colonialism, Indigenous Histories, and the Commemoration of National Historic Sites, 1919-2019. Supervisor:  Susan Neylan.
  • Harris, Tavis (2013), “Treaty is better than a Battleship: Canada, Autonomy and Interwar Naval Disarmament.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Leddy, Lianne C. (2011), “Cold War colonialism: The Serpent River First Nation and uranium mining, 1953-1988.” Supervisor: Susan Neylan.
  • Maas, Frank (2014), “Pierre Trudeau and the Leopard Main Battle Tank.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Miller, Ian Hugh Maclean (2000), “‘Our glory and our grief’: Toronto and the Great War (Ontario).” Supervisor: Terry Copp.
  • Muller, Ian (2018), “Blacklist Dodgers: Anti-communism and Canadian-American Relations.” Supervisor: Kevin Spooner.
  • Priestman, Karen (2009), “Illusion of Coexistence: The Waldorf schools in the Third Reich, 1933-1941.” Supervisor: Erich Haberer.
  • Quirk, Laura (2007), “The Thompsons’ town: Family, industry, and Material Culture in Indiana, Ontario 1830-1900.” Supervisor: Cynthia Comacchio.
  • Rosenthal, Lyndsay. “Sex in the Trenches: Soldier's Sexual Identity in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces, 1914-1918.” Supervisor: Mark Humphries.
  • Sager, Jason (2008), “Devotion and the political: Sermon and devotional literature in the reigns of Henri IV and Louis XIII, 1598-1643.” Supervisor: Peter Goddard.
  • Scurr, D. Cory (2017), "Cold War by 'Other Means': Canadian Foreign Relations with Communist Europe, 1957-1963." Supervisor: Kevin Spooner.
  • Sheffield, Robert Scott (2000), “Winning the war, winning the peace: The image of the ‘Indian’ in English-Canada, 1930-1948.” Supervisor: Terry Copp.
  • Smith, Barbara (2008), “The Rules of Engagement: German Women and British Occupiers, 1945-49.” Supervisor: Erich Haberer.
  • Stolarz, Rafal (2024), “Nature Protection in Bialowieza Forest.” Supervisor: Eva Plach.
  • Story, Eric (2024), "Scarred By the White Plague: A Health History of Tuberculosis and the Great War." Supervisor: Mark Humphries.
  • Tavenor, Joshua (2017), “Climate and Capitalism: English Perceptions of Newfoundland's Environment and Use.” Supervisor: Suzanne Zeller and David Smith.
  • Wakelam, Randall Thomas (2006), “Operational research in RAF Bomber Command, 1941-1945.” Supervisor: Terry Copp.
  • Whalen, Jane (2013), “Wasting Away: The Impact of Policy and Policymakers on the Rise of Tuberculosis in Aboriginal Communities, 1867-1945.” Supervisor: Susan Neylan.
  • Wiseman, Matthew (2017), “The Science of Defence: Cold War Culture and Canadian Security, 1947-74.” Supervisor: Kevin Spooner.
  • Wood, James A. (2007), “The Sense of Duty: Canadian Ideas of the Citizen Soldier, 1896-1917.” Supervisor: Roger Sarty.
  • Wood, Whitney (2016), “Birth Pangs: Maternity, Medicine, and Feminine 'Delicacy' in English Canada, 1867-1950.” Supervisor: Cynthia Comacchio.