Humanities with Leadership Foundations-Inaugural Film Night
This month, the Humanities with Leadership Foundations Program is proud to kick off our film series as (HMLD) presents:
“Seen a Good Movie Lately?”
Where we will be screening a variety of films, intended to spark friendly discussion of a selection of curated films that touch on issues of Law, Culture and Leadership. Films will be announced several weeks in advance, and participants can watch the film any time that is convenient prior to the scheduled discussion group.
Our first feature is The Central Park Five (2012) a documentary by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns and David McMahon. looking at the infamous 1989 trial of 5 young African Americans following the brutal assault of a jogger in New York City.
Link in the primo database: https://fod-infobase-com.libproxy.wlu.ca/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=58774
Our first meet-up will be Thurs. February 18 (7:00 pm) to discuss the themes covered in the film.
If you are interested in participating in this event, or wish to obtain information about future screenings please reach out to Alicia Schiassi (aschiassi@wlu.ca)