Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychotherapy? De-Mystifying Mental Health Services
Nov. 24, 2023
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Understanding what kind of mental health care is available to you and knowing how to access it are important tools to help you take care of yourself. Mental health care is provided by many types of regulated practitioners in Ontario, including psychiatrists, family doctors, registered psychologists, and psychotherapists. As a Laurier student, you have access to a variety of mental health services on campus in the Student Wellness Centre and in the community.
When you are ready to ask for support, it can be hard to know what service is right for you. Below is an overview of the types of mental health services available in Ontario as well as how to access these services at Laurier in the Student Wellness Centre or by referral in the community.
Counsellors in the Student Wellness Centre provide short-term, issue based therapy. The cost of their services are covered by your student service fees. We do not charge for our counselling services even if you have opted out of your student health plan. The wait time for counselling in the SWC varies depending on the time of year, but we reserve same-day space in the schedule every day to accommodate students who need to talk to someone right away.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. We are governed by provincial privacy legislation, and we will never share information outside of the Student Wellness Centre’s circle of care (nurses, doctors, counsellors, receptionists) unless you give us explicit permission or if you are at risk of harming yourself or someone else. Your counsellor will explain the rare exceptions to confidentiality when you start working with them. Read our full Privacy and Confidentiality statement.
If you need support, but you aren’t sure what kind of practitioner is the right fit for you, call the Student Wellness Centre on your campus and make an appointment with the mental health nurse. The mental health nurse is here to support you and help direct you to the services that will help you the most.
When you are ready to ask for support, it can be hard to know what service is right for you. Below is an overview of the types of mental health services available in Ontario as well as how to access these services at Laurier in the Student Wellness Centre or by referral in the community.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors. The cost of their services are paid for by provincial health insurance, such as OHIP, or by UHIP or CIHIP for international students. Psychiatrists can diagnose and prescribe medication and treatments as well as provide ongoing therapy in some instances. Many psychiatrists only provide diagnosis and ongoing medication review. To see a psychiatrist in Ontario, in most cases, you must have a referral from a primary care physician (a family doctor). Family doctors provide some of the services that people often assume they can only get from a psychiatrist.Family Doctors
Family doctors are medical doctors who have specialized in primary care. Their services are covered by OHIP or by UHIP or CIHIP for international students. They can diagnose and treat some mental health conditions, and they can refer to a psychiatrist. Some family doctors have additional training in psychotherapy and may provide counselling. For example, students can access psychotherapy with a physician on the Brantford campus. You can visit a family doctor at Laurier when you need to see a doctor for any reason, including mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression. In the Student Wellness Centre, the first step to seeing a family doctor for a mental health reason is to meet with the mental health nurse.Clinical Psychologists
A clinical psychologist is a professional who is registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Their services are paid for privately (they are not covered by OHIP or UHIP) unless they work for a public institution such as a hospital. Most extended health and dental plans, including the undergraduate health plan, cover part of the cost of their services. Psychologists can diagnose, provide therapy, and some also do psychoeducational assessments. A report from a clinical psychologist may be required for some diagnoses, such as ADHD. You do not need a referral from a doctor to see a psychologist, but your insurance might require a referral in order to reimburse you for the cost of services.Psychotherapists
A psychotherapist (or counsellor) provides counselling/psychotherapy. They often have a Master’s level education, and their services are sometimes covered by extended insurance plans. In the Student Wellness Centre, the counsellors have MA, MACP, MSc, or MSW degrees in counselling, and we do not charge a fee for their services.Counsellors in the Student Wellness Centre provide short-term, issue based therapy. The cost of their services are covered by your student service fees. We do not charge for our counselling services even if you have opted out of your student health plan. The wait time for counselling in the SWC varies depending on the time of year, but we reserve same-day space in the schedule every day to accommodate students who need to talk to someone right away.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. We are governed by provincial privacy legislation, and we will never share information outside of the Student Wellness Centre’s circle of care (nurses, doctors, counsellors, receptionists) unless you give us explicit permission or if you are at risk of harming yourself or someone else. Your counsellor will explain the rare exceptions to confidentiality when you start working with them. Read our full Privacy and Confidentiality statement.
If you need support, but you aren’t sure what kind of practitioner is the right fit for you, call the Student Wellness Centre on your campus and make an appointment with the mental health nurse. The mental health nurse is here to support you and help direct you to the services that will help you the most.
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