Undergraduate Student Research Award
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) assist students in gaining research work experience that complements their studies while receiving financial support. They are intended to:
- Stimulate students' research interests in health, natural sciences and engineering, or social sciences and humanities.
- Encourage undergraduate students to continue onto graduate studies and pursue research careers in these fields.
Undergraduate students participate in paid, full-time work as a research assistant on a project under the supervision of a research-eligible Laurier faculty member.
Allocation of Awards
Each year, Laurier receives an allocation of awards it can offer to students from the three federal granting agencies:
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Laurier’s award allocation for the NSERC USRA program is distributed to the Faculty of Science and the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, and the award competition is facilitated through each faculty.
For the 2025/26 competition, NSERC permits institutions to recommend applications for Indigenous students beyond the institutional quota. All applications from eligible Indigenous students at Laurier will be put forward to NSERC. Indigenous students must meet the eligibility requirements to apply for and hold an award and be deemed eligible via Laurier's Indigenous identity verification process. Students who have already completed this process for previous opportunities do not have to complete this process again.
NSERC has also allocated Laurier two additional supplementary NSERC USRA awards available exclusively for Black students, in addition to the institutional allocation. These two awards have been allocated to the Faculty of Science.
Currently, CIHR and SSHRC USRA awards are available exclusively for Black students and the award competition is facilitated through the Office of Research Services.
Duration and Value
The duration of the USRA award is 14 to 16 weeks on a full-time basis (35 hrs/week).
Typically, students hold the award during the summer semester, from May to August. The award may also be held during the fall or winter semester to accommodate co-op students.
There is only one application cycle each year, so applicants must apply by the deadlines listed below. Students can take a maximum of two half-credit courses while completing their USRA term.
NSERC provides $6,000 and faculty supervisors supplement the award to comply with Laurier’s minimum hourly rate ($22.66) for undergraduate research assistants.
- Students will receive their award payment from Laurier.
- Students will be full-time employees for the duration of the award and are paid bi-weekly through payroll, in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency requirements.
Student and Supervisor Eligibility
The eligibility criteria below apply to all USRA awards (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC) unless otherwise noted.
For additional information on eligibility criteria for students and supervisors:
Student Eligibility to Apply
To be eligible to apply for an award, students must:
- be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada);
- be registered, at the time of application, in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible university; and
- have obtained, over the previous years of study, a minimum cumulative B- average/GPA of 7.0.
Students are not eligible to apply for a USRA if they:
- are currently enrolled in an undergraduate professional degree program in the health sciences (e.g. MD, DDS, BScN) (does not apply for CIHR USRAs);
- are currently registered or have been previously registered, at any time, in a graduate program in the same field of study (e.g. natural sciences or engineering);
- have completed all of their degree requirements at the time of application; or
- have previously held three USRAs during their undergraduate career.
Student Eligibility to Hold Award
To be eligible to hold an award, students must:
- have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of university study (or two academic terms) of their bachelor's degree;
- have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible university;
- be employed full-time in eligible research and development activities during the tenure of the USRA;
- not be enrolled in more than two half-credit courses during the tenure of the USRA;
- not be registered in a graduate program;
- not be conducting thesis research during the term of their award – you must have completed your thesis or registered in the thesis course after the USRA is held; and
- not have held a USRA during the same fiscal year of April 1 to March 31 (e.g. cannot hold a fall USRA in 2025 if they held a summer USRA in 2025).
Supervisor Eligibility
When preparing the research proposal, supervisors are encouraged to consult NSERC’s guide on integrating equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in research.
Supervisors must:
- be a faculty member who is authorized by the university to independently supervise students;
- ensure that the USRA project’s subject matter falls within the selected agency’s mandate to which you apply; and
- demonstrate a willingness to provide the matching funding and adequate supervision for all students they plan to supervise.
Overview of Application Process
Follow the appropriate application procedures and deadlines for the USRA competition and your supervisor's faculty where you request to hold the USRA award. For NSERC USRAs, students apply directly to the Faculty of Science or the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics. For CIHR and SSHRC USRAs, applications are submitted to the Office of Research Services.
Application Deadlines
- Faculty of Science (NSERC): Jan. 13, 2025.
- Lazaridis School of Business and Economics (NSERC): Feb. 14, 2025.
- CIHR or SSHRC: Feb. 14, 2025.
How to Apply – NSERC USRA Internal Competition
Please follow the application procedures outlined below for each faculty.
Each department in the Faculty of Science holds an annual competition to award NSERC USRAs. These awards are allocated through a competitive process at the departmental level.
The Faculty of Science is allocated a total of 20 NSERC URSAs and two additional supplementary awards for self-identified Black students. Indigenous students are not included in the institutional quota. All applications from eligible Indigenous students at Laurier will be put forward to NSERC.
Deadline to apply: Jan. 13, 2025
Questions? Please contact Shawna Reibling (sreibling@wlu.ca).
To apply:
- Confirm you are eligible and read the USRA program guidelines.
- Review project descriptions and application instructions on the Faculty of Science USRA MyLS course. You can apply for a maximum of three projects. The project(s) do not have to be in your home department.
- Apply through the Qualtrics link in the MyLS course by Jan. 13, 2025. On the form, you will be asked to rank your top three projects. Before you apply, ensure you have the following documents in separate PDFs:
- A copy of your unofficial transcript, downloaded from LORIS. It is important you follow the instructions in this link so your transcript meets NSERC’s requirements.
- CV/resume
- Your research statement:
- one page maximum, following NSERC's online presentation and attachment standards
- description of your research interests, previous research and/or work experience
- relevance of research experience to your future goals
- how your experience and interests are connected to the project
- Your personal circumstances statement (optional):
- one page maximum
- outline any gaps/interruptions to your academic/research career
- explain any personal circumstances that may have impacted your research productivity or educational trajectory, including, but not limited to, medical leaves, caregiving responsibilities and/or financial need
- Between Jan.13 and Feb. 14, 2025, faculty supervisors will meet with a short list of selected students who applied to their project(s).
- Faculty supervisors will determine which student(s) to put forward for departmental adjudication by Feb. 14, 2025. Note: Students who are selected by more than one supervisor must choose one project to go to departmental adjudication.
- Successful students will be contacted by the Office of Research Services between March 15 and April 14, 2025. Students are encouraged to check their @mylaurier.ca email account daily during this period.
- If your application is successful at the departmental competition, students and faculty supervisors will be required to complete the following and submit them to the Office of Research Services:
- Form 202 using the instructions below
- USRA payment information form - The supervisor must complete and email directly to Meghan Fournie (mfournie@wlu.ca) in the Office of Research Services.
The Lazaridis School of Business and Economics holds annual competitions to award NSERC USRAs.
The Lazaridis School is allocated one NSERC USRA to award. Indigenous students who wish to be considered outside of the institutional quota may contact Meghan Fournie (mfournie@wlu.ca) for more information.
Deadline to apply: Feb. 14, 2025
Questions? Please contact Meghan Fournie (mfournie@wlu.ca).
To apply:
- Confirm you are eligible and read the USRA Program Guidelines.
- Identify a faculty member that you want to work with and contact them to discuss research opportunities.
- Complete part one (student) and part two (supervisor) of Form 202 using the instructions below.
- Applications must be sent directly to the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics and include:
- A copy of Form 202, parts one and two. (See step three above.)
- A copy of your unofficial transcript, downloaded from LORIS. It is important you follow the instructions in this link so your transcript meets NSERC’s requirements.
- CV/resume
- Your research statement:
- one page maximum, following NSERC's online presentation and attachment standards
- description of your research interests, previous research and/or work experience
- relevance of research experience to your future goals
- how your experience and interests are connected to the project
- Your personal circumstances statement (optional):
- one page maximum
- outline any gaps/interruptions to your academic/research career
- explain any personal circumstances that may have impacted your research productivity or educational trajectory, including, but not limited to, medical leaves, caregiving responsibilities and/or financial need
- Supervisors must complete and submit the USRA payment information form directly to the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics.
How to Apply – CIHR and SSHRC USRA Competitions for Black Students
Laurier is assigned an allocation of one CIHR USRA and three SSHRC USRAs to award to Black students.
Deadline to apply: Feb. 14, 2025
Questions? Please contact Meghan Fournie (mfournie@wlu.ca).
To apply:
- Confirm you are eligible and read the USRA Program Guidelines.
- Identify a faculty member that you want to work with and contact them to discuss research opportunities.
- Complete part one (student) and part two (supervisor) of Form 202 using the instructions below.
- Applications can be emailed to Meghan Fournie (mfournie@wlu.ca) and must include:
- A copy of Form 202, parts one and two. (See step three above.)
- A copy of your unofficial transcript, downloaded from LORIS.
- Your research statement and, if applicable, your personal circumstances statement saved as a single PDF.
- Research statement:
- one page maximum
- description of your research interests, previous research and/or work experience
- relevance of research experience to your future goals
- how your experience and interests are connected to the project
- Personal circumstances statement (optional):
- one page maximum
- outline any gaps/interruptions to your academic/research career
- explain any personal circumstances that may have impacted your research productivity or educational trajectory, including, but not limited to, medical leaves, caregiving responsibilities and/or financial need
- Research statement:
- Supervisors must complete and submit the USRA payment information form directly to Meghan Fournie (mfournie@wlu.ca).
Selection Process
- The Faculty of Science, the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, and the Office of Research Services will develop their own selection committees who will adjudicate applications based on the criteria below and select students for the awards. They will notify the Office of Research Services (ORS) of the students they have selected in March 2025.
- Laurier’s strategic research initiatives officer will work with the successful student applicants and their supervisors to ensure that Form 202 is complete, the transcript is up to date, and that both the student and supervisor are eligible. Once their eligibility is confirmed, a notice of award will be issued and the ORS will submit the applications to the funding agencies by April 14, 2025.
- A notice of decision will be issued to all unsuccessful applicants between April 14 and May 1, 2025.
USRA applications for all three granting agencies are assessed based on the following three criteria:
- academic excellence;
- research potential; and
- expected quality of the training and mentorship to be received.
Steps to Complete Form 202 Part I and II
Students must work with their supervisors to complete Form 202.
If there are any errors or information that requires updating, Laurier’s strategic research initiatives officer will return the application and allow the student or supervisor to make changes. Note: Laurier staff are unable to view Form 202 until Part I and II are linked and the application is submitted by the supervisor.
For additional resources, see the NSERC instructions, video and FAQ pages for completing Form 202.
Take these steps to complete Form 202-Part I:
- Log in to NSERC’s online portal.
- If it is your first time applying, you must register.
- If you previously applied for a USRA, you do not need to create a new form. Instead, use the same form from your previous application, make any updates to your personal information and upload your updated transcript.
- To complete the required information, use your @mylaurier.ca email address.
- NSERC PIN: Leave this field blank if this is your first application to NSERC. The system will assign you a pin when your application is submitted.
- On the main page select “Forms – Student” from the list under Forms management.
- In the “select form to be created” drop-down menu, select “Form 202 – Part I Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA).”
- Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
- Complete the fields in each section listed under the left-hand menu, titled Form.
- When completing the fields in the Application Profile, ensure to select the appropriate agency (NSERC, CIHR or SSHRC).
- When completing the fields in the Personal Profile section:
- Ensure both your first/given and last/family name are spelled correctly.
- Initials of all given names = first letter of your first name + first letter of your middle name (if applicable).
- Complete the self-identification statements. In order to be eligible for the CIHR/SSHRC awards, Black students must self-identify by checking the relevant box. Note: This self-identification information will be shared with Laurier’s strategic research initiatives officer, and, if awarded, publicly.
- When completing the Academic Background section, ensure to:
- Select the appropriate Institution (Wilfrid Laurier University) and department.
- Enter the accurate Name of Discipline (Degree Major or Degree Title)
- Enter the year and month of expected degree completion
- Under the Transcripts section, attach a PDF of your transcripts.
- These do not need to be official; however, they do need to meet specific requirements.
- You must download a copy of your unofficial transcript from LORIS.
- Non-Laurier students must submit an unofficial transcript with a legend on the back (see transcript section on NSERC’s website).
- Once the form is complete, select the Portfolio page and select “Verify” to ensure that all the required information has been entered.
- Once the verification is completed, the online system generates a reference number. Give this number to your supervisor, as they will need it to complete the next section (Form 202 – Part II).
Take these steps to complete Form 202-Part II:
- Log in to NSERC’s online system. If it is your first time applying, you must register first.
- Complete the required information using your @wlu.ca email address.
- On the main page, select “Forms – Researcher” from the list under Forms management.
- From the “select form to be created” drop-down menu, select “Form 202 – Part II Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA).”
- Enter the student’s family name and reference number provided by the student to link Part I and Part II, creating a complete application.
- Enter Research subject code. Enter the appropriate code if the project is eligible for either of the following supplements:
- Complete the fields in each section listed under the left-hand menu, titled Form.
- When completing the section Outline of Proposed Research Project:
- Indicate the correct start date indicating the day, month and year (after May 1).
- Ensure the proposed research project is eligible for funding under the agency selected.
- Verify the student’s information is complete and accurate under section Preview Student’s Form (Part I).
- Go back to the My Portfolio page and select “Verify” to ensure all required information has been entered. The status of the application now shows “Completed.”
- The supervisor must select “Submit to LO” on the NSERC website in order for the forms to be received by the Office of Research Services and submitted to NSERC.