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Safety and Security

Your safety and wellness is of utmost importance while living in residence. Make sure you know about the supports and services that are available to you in terms of your: 

Personal Safety


Your Responsibility

Residence students must share responsibility for their building’s safety and security. It is each resident’s responsibility to follow these guidelines:

  • Keep your door locked at all times.
  • Do not lend your room keys out or leave them unattended.
  • Do not leave valuables in a visible location.
  • Identify all personal belongings.
  • Do not open doors for people or allow people into residence if they are not personally known to you.
  • Report any suspicious person(s) or behaviour to Residence Life staff or Special Constable Service immediately.
  • Do not prop any doors open.
  • Secure your windows when you are out of your room.
  • Report all damaged locks, lights or other safety hazards immediately to your Residence Life Don.
  • Ensure your personal belongings are covered under an insurance policy.

Duty Don(s)

Seven nights a week, from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., each residence building will have a Duty Don – a Don on call. Duty Dons conduct rounds in each building within their area to ensure the safety and security of each residence community. Dons also use this time to get to know the students in the various communities of their building(s).

You should call the duty phone in the following situations:

  • your Don is unavailable
  • non-emergency medical issues
  • room lockouts
  • report damages
  • concern around one’s safety or security
  • report violation of community standards (e.g. related to noise, etc.)

Assisting Authorities

Students must clearly and honestly identify themselves to all Residence Life staff and other persons in authority when asked to do so. Residents shall comply with instructions given by the Residence Life team at all times.

Medical Emergency

In the event of a serious medical emergency call 9-1-1. Contact the Duty Don or locate a Residence Life Don to allow for Special Constable Service to escort the emergency response vehicle to the correct location. All Residence Life staff are certified in Standard First Aid and CPR.

Fire Safety

During your stay in residence, it's important to know the fire evacuation expectations and procedures to ensure your safety. During O-Week, make sure you attend the fire safety training sessions. 


Do not lend your keys. Students lending keys will be subject to the residence conduct process. Report lost or broken keys.