Fire Safety in Residence
Fire Safety Expectations
- Do not tamper or disable fire safety/detection equipment, including smoke detectors.
- Do not leave electrical devices or appliances on and unattended (e.g. decorative lights, kitchen stoves or appliances, curling irons, hair straighteners, etc.).
- Do not overload electrical outlets and use only CSA approved power bars for electrical devices.
- Extension cords and space heaters are prohibted in residence because they are often misused and pose a significant fire risk.
Fire Equipment and Alarms
Discharging, tampering with, or operating a fire extinguisher or fire hose for any purpose other than the control of a fire is prohibited. Misuse of the any fire and life safety equipment will be treated very seriously by the Department of Residence and Wilfrid Laurier University. Residence students who activate the fire alarm maliciously, or tamper with fire equipment are subject to follow-up through the Residence Code of Conduct.
Fire Alarm Procedures
- Activate nearest emergency pull station and immediately evacuate fire area via the closest, safest exit closing all doors behind you (if safe to do so).
- Warn others immediately to leave the building at the nearest safe exit or fire stair.
- Attempt to suffocate the fire or use an extinguisher ONLY if safe (small, contained fire & exit route clear) and trained to do so, otherwise.
- Leave the fire area and close doors; do not lock!
- Call Special Constable Service at 519-885-3333 or via SAFEHawk (on campus) and 911 (off campus) from a safe location.
- Evacuate the building via the closest, safest exit. - DO NOT use elevators. Use an alternate exit.
- Immediately evacuate even if you suspect a false alarm.
- If it is safe to do so, shut down experiments and hazardous operations, close windows, and doors, turn off lights.
- Immediately evacuate the building via the closest/safety exit. DO NOT use elevators during an alarm.
- Move to the designated safe area (30 m away from building) as indicated by Residence Staff.
- Do not re-enter the building, even if the alarm stops ringing. Wait for permission to re-enter from the Fire Department, Special Constable Service or Residence Staff.
- Call Special Constable Service at 519-885-3333 or via SAFEHawk (on campus) and 911 (off campus) giving your location.
- Shelter-in-Place; a closed door can provide good protection against smoke and fire. Use available materials to seal door and air ducts.
- If smoke enters room, stay low as heat and gases tend to rise.
- If possible, signal your position at a window.
- Persons with mobile difficulties should shelter in place or move to an area of refuge (if applicable).
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