Psychology (Brantford)
Psychology is the scientific study of how we think, feel, and act. It seeks to answer questions about how individuals and groups interact with each other and the world around them. In your psychology courses you may study diverse issues such as how children develop empathy, how memories are formed and retained, why some people suffer from addiction, and how our psychological and physical states are connected.
Program Structure
The Psychology program at Laurier Brantford is structured so as to ensure that you are exposed to the breadth of content that exists within the discipline while still providing you with enough flexibility to pursue your own particular interests.
In your first year, you will be introduced to basic psychological concepts in the Introduction to Psychology courses (PS101 and PS102). This broad overview of the field will prepare you for more advanced studies and research courses beginning in your second year.
There are a number of senior-level courses offered regularly, covering such areas as developmental psychology, abnormal and clinical psychology, and social and personality psychology, but there are also other opportunities for you to focus your studies on your interests. Often we offer special topics courses, such as Indigenous Psychology, that are not part of our regular course offerings, and in your third or fourth year you can also create your own directed studies course (PS490), where you work one-on-one with a psychology faculty member on a topic of your choosing.
Forensic Psychology Specialization
The Forensic Psychology Specialization is open to all Psychology students on our Brantford campus to enhance their degree and add to their credentials. This gives you all the advantages of a psychology degree, but with an added focus on forensic psychology. It includes the same courses as a traditional Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology, with additional specialized courses in forensic psychology and criminology. It explores how psychology can help us better understand crime, criminals, victims and the law, asking questions such as: What are the best ways to assess, treat and manage criminal and antisocial behaviour? What makes a person fit to stand trial? How accurate is eyewitness testimony? How do juries make their decisions?
Community Service-Learning
All Laurier psychology students participate in Community Service-Learning (CSL), a mandatory component of some of the psychology courses. CSL will place you into service organizations within the Brantford community, such as a soup kitchen, a school, or a facility for children with developmental problems – a great way for you to get real-world experience.
An education in psychology is designed not only to give you a better understanding of behaviour, but it also will allow you to develop skills and abilities that are in high demand in the job market. From critical thinking, communication, working with others, and basic research and evaluation (to name a few), you will graduate with skills that will prepare you well for many different career options.

Your Experience and Career Guide
Make the most out of your university career by taking advantage of all that Laurier has to offer you. Explore the Psychology experience and career guide to learn ways you can extend your classroom experience into the world and the career opportunities available to you.