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Faculty Research Interests

Jennifer Baltzer: Comparative tree biology and responses of forests to global change.

Mihai Costea: Systematics, biodiversity and biogeography of angiosperms.

Joseph Culp: Responses of northern aquatic ecosystems to climate change; multiple stressor effects on benthic food webs of rivers.

Louise Dawe: Small molecule X-ray crystallography and supramolecular chemistry (coordination polymers, metal-organic frameworks, data-mining long-range interactions.) Ethics in chemical education and the integration of crystallography into undergraduate curriculum.

Lillian DeBruin: Functional characterization of membrane micro-domains using biophysical and biochemical approaches. Current projects include role of myelin microdomains in development, maintenance, and disease.

Douglas Deutschman: Conservation biology, population dynamics, and biostatistics.

Stephanie DeWitte-Orr: Investigating innate immune responses to virus infections with a focus on dsRNA-mediated responses.

Dmitri Goussev: Synthesis of organometallic compounds of transition metals with ‘pincer’-type ligands for hydrogenation of polar C=O and C=N bonds and applications in catalytic C-H and N-H bond activation, dehydrogenation and functionalization of hydrocarbons.

Frédérique Guinel: Development and hormonal regulation of root symbiosis.

Ian Hamilton: Computational chemistry: structure, dynamics, and reactivity of clusters and complexes of interest in environmental chemistry. Theoretical chemistry: quantum-classical correspondence, kinetic- energy functionals, Information Theory.

Geoff Horsman: Biochemical characterization of microbial enzymes and pathways. Current projects include natural products biosynthesis and metagenomic exploration of microbial phosphorus mineralization mechanisms.

Masoud Jelokhani-Niaraki: Biophysical properties of membrane-interacting proteins: the structure, biological function and ion transport properties of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins and the mechanism of biological activity of natural and synthetic antimicrobial peptides.

Vladimir Kitaev: Synthesis and optical properties of nanoparticles (NPs). Control of shape, size and functional properties of gold and sliver NPs. Metallodielectric composites. Chiral NPs and clusters. Photochemical transformations of nanoparticles.

Tristan Long: Sexual selection and conflict, genetics of behaviour and speciation.

Stephen MacNeil: Synthetic organic chemistry; preparation and applications of new ionic liquids; synthesis and applications of condensed aromatic and heteroaromatic systems; construction and applications of helicenes and related compounds.

Deborah MacLatchy: Determining source, identity, and mechanisms of action of anthropogenic contaminants on fish reproduction, development and growth.

Kenneth Maly: Design, synthesis, and characterization of new organic materials. Organic building blocks that self-assemble to form new liquid crystalline materials with applications ranging from organic electronics to gas storage and catalysis.

Allison McDonald: Environmental stress physiology and biochemistry; role of terminal oxidases in respiration and photosynthesis.

Jim McGeer: Stress physiology of aquatic animals; environmental toxicology and risk assessment of metals.

Roderick Melnik: Applied and computational mathematics with its enrichments in sciences and technologies; partial differential equations and approximation theory; non-smooth control; mathematical biology and complex dynamic systems.

Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb: Comparative and functional genomics; stability and evolution of genetic functional modules.

Scott Ramsay: Reproductive ecology of songbirds.

Robin Slawson: Survival and persistence of natural populations of potential pathogens from surface waters.

Scott Slocombe: Environmental planning and management; environmental assessment; systems and complexity approaches.

Matthew Smith: Mechanisms of protein targeting and import into chloroplasts.

Scott Smith: Aquatic environmental chemistry with applications in water treatment and environmental protection. Projects are driven by regulatory requirements from the water treatment and metal industries, e.g. wastewater phosphate removal.

Kevin Stevens: Wetland plant ecology; plant growth in wet areas.

Michael Suits: Structural biology using X-ray crystallography and biomolecular interactions. Research interests are modes of carbohydrate recognition and degradation by microbial proteins.

Joel Weadge: Microbial glycobiology: Structure-function analysis of proteins that synthesize and export bacterial cellulose.

Michael Wilkie: Environmental physiology and toxicology of aquatic vertebrates.

Jonathan Mark Wilson: Fish molecular physiology with a focus on elucidating the mechanisms of ion regulation within evolutionary and environmental contexts.