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Keep Calm and Study On

Feeling the pressure in the final weeks of the term? Keep Calm and Study On!

Running in the Fall and Winter terms, this program offers a ton of great workshops, de-stressing fun and online resources to help you succeed in studying for finals and focusing on your own personal wellness. The goal of Keep Calm and Study On is to remind you to start studying early, be intentional about planning breaks and to take care of your wellbeing during the exam period.

All events are free and registration is not required unless noted in the schedule. Note that all Laurier students are welcome to attend these events.

Don't forget to follow @laurierstudentsuccess on Instagram for daily updates and chances to win some great prizes!

In addition to these events and resources, your student success services offer a variety of academic supports and resources to help you finish the term strong.

Keep Calm and Study On is back: Nov 26-28!

Mark your calendars for Nov. 26 to 28 for the return of Keep Calm and Study On! We've got more free giveaways, academic workshops, social events, wellness opportunities, and work out classes to help you keep calm and study on while you prepare for final exams.


Details coming soon!

Tuesday, Nov 26

Wednesday, Nov. 27

Thursday, Nov 28

Online Resources to Help You Prepare for Finals

Looking for Additional Support?

Visit the Student Success Portal to register for a Exam Preparation workshop or book an Exam Preparation appointment with a Learning Consultant or Peer Academic Coach.