Field Projects and Research
Field Schools
Our Archaeology and Heritage Studies program requires mandatory participation in field projects as a degree requirement. Recent field schools, taken for credit, have been carried out in Ontario at:
- A 16th/17th-century Wendat (Huron) village;
- Old Fort Erie, a War of 1812 site;
- The Minoan palace of Gournia in Crete; and
- The biblical Town of Nebo (Khirbat al-Mukhayyat) in Jordan.
There is no Ontario field school in 2022.
Jordan field school - no field school for 2022.
Work-Study and Volunteer Positions
Work-study and volunteer opportunities are available each year for students wishing to assist professors in their research projects.
You have the option of doing a directed study with a faculty member, usually on an aspect of current and ongoing field research.