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Department of Sociology

Sociology is the study of social life; it focuses on the linkages between individual experience and the wider society in which we live.

Sociology at Laurier is characterized by strengths in the areas of equity and social justice. The aim of this program is to help you gain a better understanding of contemporary social issues by providing you with the theoretical, methodological and writing skills to analyze and engage with these issues. This prepares you for careers, further graduate studies and post-degree programs in fields such as social work, education, criminal justice and law.

Applied Social Research Specialization

Sociology students can choose to take advanced methods courses in upper years and add an Applied Social Research Specialization to their honours Sociology degree.


Graduation cap.

Your Experience and Career Guide

Make the most out of your university career by taking advantage of all that Laurier has to offer you. Explore the Sociology experience and career guide to learn ways you can extend your classroom experience into the world and the career opportunities available to you.