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Laurier Work Study Program

Students in financial need who wish to work on a part-time basis may be eligible for on-campus employment through Laurier’s Work-Study Program (LWSP). Positions are available at the Brantford, Kitchener and Waterloo campuses.

The eligibility application for Fall/Winter 2024-25 will be available on LORIS as of August 1, 2024 for students who meet the preliminary eligibility criteria listed below. Eligibility applications are due by September 8, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

If you have questions, please contact

On-Campus Employment Experiential Learning Program

Once you have been hired for an LWSP position, you will complete required training on Health and Safety, AODA and Reflection. Most of these modules will be completed in online training modules. Some could be in-person sessions, depending on the training required and subject to public health guidelines and restrictions.

LWSP supervisors will facilitate conversations over the course of your employment to discuss competency development and your performance in the role.  At the end of your position, you will be able to reflect on your experience for your Laurier Experience Record.

Your Laurier Experience Record demonstrates that you have been engaged and involved as a Laurier student. It provides a validated record of your involvement and experiential learning opportunities. The Record will help you reflect on your experiences and identify skills you've developed that will be useful when applying for future on-campus opportunities, jobs after graduation or graduate school.

Student Testimonials

“The Laurier Work-Study Program was a great experience that allowed me to be employed on campus while maintaining my school work and becoming more self-aware especially through the employer ‘conversations’. I had the opportunity to network with a variety of people and would love to participate in this program again next year.” Third year Arts student

“<My supervisor> was amazing, she made sure I had the proper training and techniques to complete each task. She truly made the Work-Study experience a blast.” Second year Liberal Arts student

“The Work-Study Program provided me with an amazing set of skills to help me with my future experiences. The work atmosphere was professional and my supervisor was very helpful in my time in the program.” Third year Human & Social Sciences student

“The LWSP was the most amazing opportunity I've had thus far in helping me explore future career paths or looking into continuing my education in graduate programs offered at Laurier. I've gained sound functional skills and a learning experience in wetland plant ecology research that can help me find jobs upon graduation.” Third year Arts student