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Writing and Studying with Integrity

Writing with Integrity

Academic writing can be distinguished from other kinds of writing as it is conducted within a community of researchers. This community is committed to advancing our collective knowledge, whether by making an evidence-based argument for a particular viewpoint or by presenting new scientific findings.

In order to advance knowledge, it’s not enough to simply present your beliefs or findings. You need to enter a conversation with other scholars by engaging with and building upon their work. If you misrepresent the work of others, even unintentionally, then any ideas or findings that are advanced rest on a shaky foundation. As a result, it’s very important – a matter of integrity – to represent the views of others charitably, respectfully, and accurately.

So how do you do this? One way is through the integration of direct quotations. In addition, you can incorporate the work of others into your own texts by summarizing and paraphrasing. Learning how to summarize and paraphrase are foundational skills to becoming a good academic writer.

The following topics will also help you write with integrity.

Studying with Integrity

In order to put yourself in the best position to excel on your tests, exams, and other assignments, managing your time is crucial. If you stay up all night to study for a test, you’re not putting yourself in a position to succeed. Staying on track with your course readings throughout the term and reviewing your course notes regularly (both before and after class) will help you to understand and retain the material. You will then be in a good position when studying for tests and exams.

Studying effectively takes time, effort, and planning. This hard work is a matter of integrity.