Key Dates and Deadlines for Studying Abroad
The key dates and deadlines will help you with planning to study abroad, whether during the academic year or during the summer.
Jump to dates and deadlines for:
Exchange in Winter 2023
- August - November 2022: We will nominate you to your host institution. Once nominated, you will be able to complete the application to the host institution.
- Pre-departure sessions with Laurier International will also happen during this time.
- September - December 2022: The host institution will send you your acceptance letter.
- Once you receive your acceptance letter, you can appy for your student visa.
- October 2021 - January 2022: After you receive your acceptance letter from your host insitution, you can begin arranging your housing and booking your flight.
- Important: If you make a non-refundable deposit and your exchange plans change, Laurier cannot reimburse you for these deposits.
- Mid-September 2022: Laurier will determine if fall 2022 exchanges can proceed, based on COVID-19 information and other international travel safety considerations.
- October 2022: Purchase health insurance for your exchange term.
Choosing Courses at the Host Institution
For fall, winter and full-year exchanges, when you select your courses at the host institution can vary. You will be informed by your host institution when it's time for you to select your courses, which could be 1-4 months before you go on exchange or even when you arrive at the institution.
Student Exchange Dates and Deadlines for Future Years
Fall 2023 and full year 2023/24 exchange:
- Applications due in January 2023.
Winter 2024 exchange:
- Applications due in January 2023.
- Late applications will be accepted until May 2023.
Fall 2024 and full year 2024/25 exchange:
- Applications due in January 2024.
Winter 2025 exchange:
- Applications due in January 2024.
- Late applications will be accepted until May 2024.
Fall 2025 and full year 2025/26:
- Applications due in January 2025.
Winter 2026 exchange:
- Applications due in January 2025.
- Late applications will be accepted until May 2025.
Summer Abroad Dates and Deadlines
Summer abroad opportunities are short-term exchanges at an exchange partner institution where you can earn 0.5 to 1.0 Laurier credits.
Summer Abroad 2023
- December 2022: Laurier will determine if summer abroad exchanges can proceed, based on COVID-19 information and other international travel safety considerations.
- January 2023: Deadline to apply.
- Late February 2023: Date you will receive your summer abroad placement results.
- March - June 2023: We will nominate you to your host institution. Once nominated, you will be able to complete the application to the host institution
- April - July 2023: The host institution will send you your acceptance letter.
- Once you receive your acceptance letter, you can appy for your student visa.
- April - July 2023: After you receive your acceptance letter from your host insitution, you can begin arranging your housing and booking your flight.
- Important: If you make a non-refundable deposit and your exchange plans change, Laurier cannot reimburse you for these deposits.
Choosing Courses for Summer Abroad Exchanges
Your host institution will let you know when you can choose your courses, which is often included as part of the application you'll submit to the host institution. If there is a different process or timeline for choosing courses, your host institution will let you know.
Contact Us:
Student Exchanges
Sinthu Vimaladasan, Student Abroad Advisor, Waterloo Campus
Office Hours:
For Sinthu's availability, see the Staff Listing page.
Anne-marie Henry, Global Engagement Coordinator, Brantford Campus
Office Hours:
For Anne-marie's availability, see the Staff Listing page.