Accessing Accommodations for Deferred Exams
In order to access your testing accommodations for a deferred exam, you MUST complete the ALC Deferred Exam Form in full.
This form must be completed at least ten (10) full business days prior to the deferred exam schedule.
Deferred Exams
Step 1: Petition your Deferred Exam
All appeals for deferred final exams must be directed to the petitions committee in the faculty in which the course is offered (which may not be the faculty you are registered in). Links to Laurier's faculty petition forms can be found below:
Faculty of Arts Final Exam Deferral Petition Form Petition for Exemption to Academic Regulations
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Extraordinary Circumstances Final Exam Conflict Form
Faculty of Liberal Arts Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations
Faculty of Music Final Deferred Examination Request Form
Faculty of Science Petition for Exemption to Academic Regulations
Faculty of Social Work (Brantford)
Lazaridis School of Business and Economics petition form
Step 2: Complete the ALC Deferred Exam Form
If you intend to use your approved accommodations for a deferred final exam you must complete the ALC Deferred Exam Form.
In the form, be sure to:
a) List your accommodations: Remember to list the accommodations you wish to use for this final exam. These accommodations must be ones you are approved and eligible for.
b) Include your Petition Approval Letter: In order to submit the form, you must attach your petition approval letter. If you are in the process of petitioning, further instructions can be found in the form itself.
Once we have received all of the required information we will enter your request in the system and you will receive an approval email for your deferred final exam.
Cancellations: If you no longer need to write a deferred final exam, please cancel the request in Accessible Learning Online.