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Academic Success Programs

Athlete Academic Success Program

The Athlete Academic Success Program (AASP) provides Laurier’s varsity athletes with academic assistance regarding learning strategies and study skills in a manner that accommodates their training and competition schedule so that they can achieve their full academic potential.

This program includes study halls to assist student athletes with their studying, and workshops to assist student athletes with their learning strategies and study skills development.

Athlete academic coaches are your fellow varsity athletes who achieve success both in the classroom and on the field of play.

Workshop content, times and locations will be discussed in study hall.

Academic Coaching for Athletes
  • You can arrange academic coaching appointments with your academic coach during study halls.
  • You can schedule appointments with a learning strategist through the Student Success Student Portal.

Note: You can track your attendance through the Student Success Student Portal.

Progressing Past Probation (P3)

Progressing Past Probation (P3) is an academic support program designed to help students to improve their academic standing. The P3 program will help you connect with academic advisors, academic support teams on campus, as well as financial health and wellness resources.

Athlete Academic Success Program

The Athlete Academic Success Program (AASP) provides Laurier’s varsity athletes with academic assistance regarding learning strategies and study skills in a manner that accommodates their training and competition schedule so that they can achieve their full academic potential.

This program includes study halls to assist student athletes with their studying, and workshops to assist student athletes with their learning strategies and study skills development.

Athlete academic coaches are your fellow varsity athletes who achieve success both in the classroom and on the field of play.

Workshop content, times and locations will be discussed in study hall.

Academic Coaching for Athletes
  • You can arrange academic coaching appointments with your academic coach during study halls.
  • You can schedule appointments with a learning strategist through the Student Success Student Portal.

Note: You can track your attendance through the Student Success Student Portal.

Progressing Past Probation (P3)

Are you on Academic Probation? 

Progressing Past Probation (P3) is an academic support program designed to help students to improve their academic standing. The P3 program will help you connect with academic advisors, academic support teams on campus, as well as financial health and wellness resources.


Progressing Past Probation (P3)

Progressing Past Probation (P3) is an academic support program designed to help students to improve their academic standing. The P3 program will help you connect with academic advisors, academic support teams on campus, as well as financial health and wellness resources.