German Drama Production: Sehnsucht
The German section of the Department of Languages and Literatures would like to cordially invite you to our German drama production: Sehnsucht. On the Quest for The Blue Flower which will take place in the T.A. on Friday, March 9 (10 a.m. and 7 p.m.) and on Saturday, March 10 (7 p.m.).
We are telling the story of the Romantic poet Novalis and his bride Sophie ("meine geliebte Philo-Sophie"), with his poetry, his philosophical aphorism and passages of his diary built into the dramatic script.
The Novalis story had regained a lot of attention, when the British writer Penelope Fitzgerald published her acclaimed novel The Blue Flower in 1995, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award. There will be a possibility to purchase the novel at the event.
Music students will perform Romantic "Lieder," which will be interpreted with choreographies and enactments. Also, on a different time level we travel to the 20th century with a student authored piece on the Berlin wall and Bertolt Brecht's Fear and Misery of the Third Reich: The Box and the Jewish Wife. These were premiered in Brecht's exile in Paris in 1938, reviewed by Walter Benjamin.
We are looking forward to seeing you on March 9 or 10.
Alexandra Zimmerman,