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Undergraduate Courses

Our carefully structured undergraduate curriculum builds a foundation of knowledge about politics and political concepts in PO101 and PO102, and introduces political science’s various fields of study in our 200-level courses. You will move on to more advanced analyses in your 300-level courses and 400-level courses, which are often paired with simulations, applied projects and interactions with practitioners.

Your first step in registration should include a visit to the Course Registration Guide. Consider using the Visual Schedule Builder, a great tool for course selection; it will help you plan your week as well as provide course details such as instructor names, lecture/lab times, which you can then use to register. Review your program requirements to ensure you are on the right track. 

Check out our full listing of current offerings on LORIS Browse Classes

Below you will find a listing of most courses that are available for 2024-2025.

100-Level Courses

200-Level Courses

300-Level Courses

400-Level Courses

  • All 400-level courses are available only to Year 4 Honours Political Science students who have achieved an average grade of “B” in at least two 300-level Political Science classes.
  • PO478* is required for — and restricted to — students in the Research Specialization Option.
  • The Honours BA in Political Science degree now requires 1.0 Political Science credit at the 300 level and at the 400 level. However, students enrolled in the program prior to September 2009 may be eligible to graduate using previous degree requirements, as listed in the academic calendar.