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Professional Learning Days

Teacher Candidate Professional Learning Days (EU453A, EU453B, EU454) are mandatory parts of the Bachelor of Education (BEd) program.  

Introduction to the Teaching Profession

Teacher Candidates (TCs) attend Introduction to the Teaching Profession (EU453A), which occurs at the start of the academic year.

Attendance is mandatory and attendance will be taken.

Introduction to the Teaching Profession is designed to: 

  • Help TCs become familiar with the Laurier Faculty of Education and the BEd Program, and policies related to teaching experiences. 
  • Provide an opportunity to meet and participate in team-building activities with faculty and other TCs.
  • Introduce library, technology, and other resources available to TCs through Laurier.
  • Orient TCs with professional teaching organizations through special presentations related to current trends in education. 

TCs are introduced to key structures and components of the Laurier program that facilitate learning for them and for their students:

  • TCs become familiar with the goals, purposes and procedures related to Laurier Partner Schools, the Professional Learning Seminar, and the range of required placement experiences.
  • They are introduced to the four themes of learner-, knowledge-, assessment- and community-centeredness that intersect all course and practicum work and become familiar with the themes' roles in helping them create coherence among these various experiences.
  • They will attend sessions related to professional responsibilities of teachers, workplace safety and academic integrity. 
  • They will have opportunities to learn from mandatory sessions arranged by teacher federations, OCT and the Ministry of Education.

Transition to Teaching

Year 2 TCs are required to attend the mandatory Transition to Teaching (EU454) program following the completion of their final Practicum.

Transition to Teaching will focus on professional development activities as you transition from the role of a TC to the professional role of teaching.