A Message from the CIO Regarding Personal Privacy
On August 11, 2020, a communication was sent that alerted our Waterloo student community about a widely distributed email that was sent in error via Service Laurier. The email contained information which was unfortunately a breach of personal privacy for two individuals.
The University does take matters of confidentiality very seriously and has sincerely apologized for this unfortunate error to both the individual and to our students. We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know the steps that are being taken to review the matter.
Issues of privacy, confidentiality and information security go to the heart of an organization’s reputation. The University employs a range of network security systems to guard against attacks and protect information. The university also provides regular updates and education to employees and students regarding the importance of privacy and data security.
As a result, ICT will be reviewing the circumstances of this situation and determining what technical strategies to implement to minimize and mitigate the risk of releasing personal information. Our security team has been engaged to identify any available tools we can implement immediately.
In addition, Laurier has a Privacy Office, a Privacy Complaint investigation process, and a Privacy Breach Protocol to contain, notify, and remedy any identified breach of personal information. Laurier’s Privacy Office can be reached at privacy@wlu.ca and the Privacy Breach Protocol was activated in this situation. The Privacy Office is assessing processes and will be engaging with university departments to develop and implement stronger privacy protocols. In addition, the Privacy Office has advised the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario of the breach and will work with them on next steps and determining what additional remedial actions need to take place.
We know that our students have expressed concern about this incident and we want to assure you that we share this concern and are working to develop a technical solution to reduce the possibility of a reoccurrence.
Nela Petkovic
Chief Information Officer, Wilfrid Laurier University