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Writing with Integrity

As the vehicle to communicate research and demonstrate what we have learned, academic writing is also conducted within a community of scholars. This community that you – yes, you! – are part of strives to advance our collective knowledge, whether by making an evidence-based argument for a particular viewpoint or by presenting new scientific findings.

To advance knowledge, it’s not enough to simply present your beliefs or findings. You must also enter a conversation with other scholars and engage with their work.

If you misrepresent the work of others, even unintentionally, then any judgments you make about this work rest on a shaky foundation. That’s why it’s very important – a matter of integrity – to represent the views of others accurately and respectfully!

How Can I Write with Integrity?

One way to do this is through the integration of direct quotations. While direct quotations have their place in academic writing, they are often overused. When academic writers quote too much, they run the risk of losing their own voice. From a reader’s perspective, a text that relies too much on quotation doesn’t inspire confidence that the writer has taken the time to think through the ideas under discussion.

Below you will find a more in-depth discussion of summary, paraphrase, quotation, and citation, which will help you write with integrity.

Learn More – Develop Your Skills

Learning how to summarize and paraphrase the work of others are foundational skills of academic writing.

To develop these skills, you can: