Throughout this semester, I have had the opportunity to connect and learn from so many great people thanks to the Laurier International Cultural Conversations (LICC) sessions that I was able to participate in. During the beginning stage of these conversations, I didn’t know what to expect. Once I realized everyone was in the same situation, looking to connect with one another, this process was very easy to adapt to. This opportunity gave students the platform to express themselves in a culturally sensitive manner and welcomed everyone with open arms. Communicating in these groups every week made me notice how everyone has their own story, but we all have more in common than you think. I enjoyed sharing my experiences and being able to relate to other students. The main thing I found that was very helpful in these groups was being vulnerable and being able to adapt. This allowed my group members and I to feel safe and step out of our comfort zones sharing personal experiences with multiculturalism with each other.
The Laurier International Cultural Conversation (LICC) is a very meaningful program that I would recommend to anyone as this is a great learning opportunity and it will open your eyes to new experiences.
William Kavoukis, HR 261, Human Rights and Human Diversity, Brantford