Going into this class, multiculturalism is something that I thought was decent within Canada and did realize how many problems there were within. The main thing I learned from this class is how to work out our differences and how to be more aware of what I do as a person and what others do.
Before this class, I had assumed Canada had been making some kind of change within multiculturalism. Later on I realized that there wasn’t really any change at all. Being in this class allowed me to learn more about the smaller details within the problems and how we can work towards fixing it. There are a lot of issues within the country that I was made aware about and hope to be someone that can help work towards making a change, even if it’s small.
I’m grateful for being in a class that doesn’t try and sugar coat what’s going on within our country or try and show us the side that makes them look good. The discussions we had we always impactful in some way, I always left with something new.
The biggest thing that impacted me was being able to talk to the international students and get their perspective on things. Each and every one of them were amazing and I truly enjoyed being around them.
While in this class, I was able to listen to other people while they told their stories, talk to them about my own stories and it gave me the opportunity to realize that while we may be different in various different ways, come from different places, different cultures and view things differently from each other, there are many things that we have in common. I like to relate this to something such as a blanket with flags that are knitted into it, we all have something in common, that being the blanket, something that comforts us, while having our differences intertwined into those connections.
This class is something that I will truly hold on to for my future self and hope that with what I learned, I can make some sort of change, or support people who can.
Melina Levesque, HR 261, Human Rights & Human Diversity, Brantford