Throughout the semester, LICC has made me understand my social interactions better than before, it has been a mind-altering experience for me. I got an opportunity to analyze my day-to-day understanding of communication, with people from different cultural expectations.Various cultures have varied expectations while communicating thoughts and feelings. HR261, made me aware of these cultural expectations and why one believes in it and how to meet those expectations while having cultural expectations of my own.
Canada is a country that offers immense cultural opportunities in different aspects which, contribute significantly to society to help people grow in life and it contributes to benefiting them in return. Due to the benefits canada provides in securing people for the good in long term, it attracts a lot of people from around the world to contribute in the economy of the country and secure the long-term benefits from the country. HR261, multiculturalism supported a lot of history of canada in the syllabus, it explained the emergence of migration form the Caribbean and the other parts of the world. It also explained, what contributions people made in the country in the field of agriculture, and commercial activities. It was very interesting, to discuss and argue the different dimensions of multiculturalism and what it truly meant.
There were 5 LICC discussions, all the discussions where very engaging , involved group discussions. And gave details of everyone y recent occurring events that formed diversity in canada. The best way to reflect my learnings is highlight the importance of maple leaf that plays a significant role in the canadian flag and carries and is known as the symbol of canada’s identity. The maple leaf was immensely valued by indigenous people of canada and also made a great impression for the early settlers in canada. It came to known to be a symbol of peace and unity among the people. The maple leaf also signifies, the natural beauty of canada as it depicts “landscapes”. It reflects natural beauty of the country, and it also symbolizes unity, therefore it recognizes canada as a one irrespective of people of different cultural backgrounds.
Sunandini, HR 261, Human Rights & Human Diversity, Brantford