Submit your undergraduate research to ACERS!
Jan. 29, 2021
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Calling all Brantford campus undergraduate students! Show off your research papers and projects to win some money at the 2023 Academic, Creative and Engaged Research Showcase (ACERS).
The details:
- All individual or group research papers and projects from the past 18 months are eligible for entry.
- Participating students will transform their work into a poster, podcast or video presentation to showcase online. Check out our 2022 showcase!
- Complete this form to submit your nomination. You must attach a completed Instructor Approval Letter to your nomination form.
- The deadline for nominations is January 13, 2023.
- Prizes totalling $5,000.
- ACERS judging and awards celebration will take place the week of March 6-10, 2023.
Hear what past ACERS participants have to say!
If you have any questions, please email acers@wlu.ca.
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