Accessibility Awareness Campaign
Practicing Accessibility the Golden Hawk Way
Each year in February, the Accessible Learning Centre (ALC) hosts an Accessibility Awareness Campaign aimed at informing everyone in the Laurier community of ways they can support accessibility and make Laurier a more inclusive and accessible learning environment.
Practicing Accessibility the Golden Hawk Way is the 2021 campaign. This year, we're encouraging everyone to practice and promote accessibility as a means to support one another. Many barriers that exist are a result of inaccessible digital content and documents - and there are some quick and easy ways to eliminate these barriers! This includes making sure all digital content is available and accessible to fellow students.
The 2021 campaign kicks-off on Thursday, Feb. 4 with:
- A takeover of the Laurier Instagram account
- The Accessibility Challenge
Programming continues through the month of February with the Accessibility Workshop Series.
Take the Accessibility Challenge
We've identified 10 ways you can ensure or promote accessibility. Challenges incorporate using best practices in creating digital content and learning more about accessibility and the Accessible Learning Centre. We challenge you to see how many you can complete from Feb. 4 to 19. For each challenge completed, you can enter your name in a random draw to win one of three prize packs.
- Complete one or more challenges from the list below. While you can only earn one ballot/challenge, you are encouraged to incorporate these practices into your daily routines
- Visit Take the Accessibility Challenge ballot page
- Select which challenges you have completed
- Tell us in a few sentences what you learned from completing each challenge
Winners will be notified by Laurier email by February 22, 2021
Contest prizes funded by a donation from the Campus Experience and Enhancement Fund
Challenge #1 Use Accessibility Checker when creating word documents
Microsoft software has built-in accessibility features that you can utilize to ensure your documents are accessible. The next time you create a Microsoft Word document for sharing, run the Accessibility Checker to make sure the recipients can read and edit them with ease.
Challenge #2 Add Alternative Text to images within your documents or presentations.
Microsoft software has built-in accessibility features that you can utilize to ensure your documents are accessible. Alternative text (alt text) helps people with visual impairments know what the picture/image or other graphic depicts. This is an important step to ensure all content within a document or presentation is accessible. The next time you create a Microsoft Word document or PowerPoint presentation include alt text for the images, charts, or other objects.
Challenge #3 Add alternative text to pictures posted on social media accounts.
Alternative text (alt text) helps people with visual impairments know what the picture/image or other graphic depicts. Adding alt text to social media is easy and ensures your posts are accessible to everyone. The next time you add a post to social media, include alt text. Try it with a variety of platforms.
Challenge# 4 Enable captions in your Facebook settings
Closed captions is an option available in many platforms. Captions improve the user experience and make content more accessible. The next time you view a video on Facebook (or another video streaming platform), enable captions.
Challenge #5 Review your classes recorded lectures or other videos to see if they have closed captions. If they do, enable them for viewing to enhance your experience.
Challenge #6 Have a conversation with a friend about a way to make online or in person classes more accessible. Share the outcome of that conversation with us when you submit your ballot.
Challenge #7 Sign the petition to make snapchat more accessible
Accessibility options allow individuals with visual impairments to participate in the experience more fully. Visit change.org to learn more about why making snapchat more accessible is important.
Challenge #8 Register and attend one or more workshop in the Accessible Workshop series
Help make the Laurier community more accessible to everyone. There are a variety of workshops from which you can choose. Register and attend at least one workshop to complete this challenge.
Challenge #9 Watch a video from ALC last year’s campaign ALC Video, part 2 or ALC Video, part 3
Challenge #10 Learn about the Accessible Learning Centre or register to be a Volunteer Note Taker
Learn more about the Accessible Learning Centre by visiting and reviewing our Registration and Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities. Learn how the ALC supports students.
Accessibility Workshop Series
The ALC also offers a Certificate in Accessibility. Visit our Workshop Series site for more information on how you can help make the Laurier community more accessible.
Workshop Series funded by the Campus Experience and Enhancement Fund
Register today: Winter 2021 workshops