Wellness Review – we need you!
Dear students,
We know it has been a busy and tumultuous time through exams, end-of-term research, and the Ontario lockdown. We are feeling it too…along with self-doubt, overwhelm, and wondering why this all seems so much easier for everyone else. The truth is, this is hard for everyone right now, which makes this request even more important.
Our Student Wellness Review is underway, and will ultimately lead to a Campus Wellness Strategy. Please share your voice and help shape Laurier’s vision for student wellness by taking a couple of minutes to complete our second pulse-check survey.
Here is why our Student Wellness Review, and your participation, is important…we remember telling ourselves during exam season that the subpar personal hygiene, eating poorly, and sedentary lifestyle was because we were “too busy”. This is what university life is – right? All-nighters and junk food. We now wonder why we allowed ourselves to experience such blatant burnout.
We’ve shared resources and maintained services, programmed virtually, and reached out, but the truth is, your wellness should be a partnership. It includes our work at Laurier and your commitment.
In addition to the pulse-check survey, you can participate by attending a virtual office hour drop-in session or participating in an individual or small-group 20-minute virtual interview between now and the end of May.
Students who participate in the pulse-check or interview will be entered to win one of three $100 gift cards to the Laurier Bookstore/Stedman Community Bookstore or a grand prize of a Yeti cooler.
As ever, please know that you have people at Laurier who want to help. And heck – things are not as linear as you’ve been made to believe! You will land on your feet. Keep going! Good luck with the end-of-term rush! Sleep. Drink water! Ask for help.
Sending you care,
Kate McCrae-Bristol, Dean of Students (Waterloo Campus) deanofstudentswl@wlu.ca
Adam Lawrence, Dean of Students (Brantford Campus) deanofstudentsbr@wlu.ca