Help us to create a vision of Wellness at Laurier!
March 29, 2021.
Dear Wilfrid Laurier University graduate and undergraduate students –
As part of our commitment to continuously improve the student experience at Laurier, our Deans of Students are undertaking a Student Wellness Review, which will ultimately lead to a Campus Wellness Strategy that will guide the university over the next decade.
We Invite You to Lend Your Voice to Shape Laurier’s Vision for Student Wellness!
Your wellness has always been a significant priority for our university but our responsibility to understand and respond to your evolving wellness needs has never been greater. We know that wellness looks different for every student. We want to work together with you to hear your diverse voices, needs and perspectives to drive our outcomes. Your insight on student wellness will help shape our delivery of care and explore opportunities beyond traditional wellness supports to meet your changing needs.
How Can You Take Part?
Consultants Glen and Patrick from Unless Design Partners will lead consultations designed to learn about experiences related to wellness initiatives, services and approaches. The goal is to identify gaps and opportunities for us to address to improve our wellness services. Students will have a chance to provide their feedback through short-burst surveys, office hours, and interviews.
To provide your feedback, please consider:
- Completing a pulse-check survey. The first of two surveys is now live. Stay tuned for details about the second survey coming in a few weeks.
- Attending a virtual office hours drop-in session. Find out more and view the schedule.
- Participating in a 20-minute virtual interview. Sign up individually or with a small group. Spaces will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Students who participate in the pulse-check or interview will be entered to win one of three $100 gift cards to the Laurier Bookstore/Stedman Community Bookstore or a grand prize of a Yeti cooler.
In the fall, the consultants will use these learnings to build on Laurier’s culture of care to shape a vision and Campus Wellness Strategy, which will then be implemented next spring.
For more details, contact deanofstudentswl@wlu.ca or deanofstudentsbr@wlu.ca.
Thank you in advance for your role in defining a Campus Wellness Commitment for yourselves and future Golden Hawks.
Stay Golden,
Ivan Joseph Vice-President: Student Affairs