Avoid deregistration: Key deadlines for winter 2022
Three Things You Need to Know
- Winter term will begin as scheduled on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022. Instructional activities will be delivered remotely beginning Tuesday, Jan. 4 and will resume in person on Monday, Jan. 31, provided public health direction allows. The mandatory vaccination policy is in effect throughout the winter term, meaning you must be fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption to attend a Laurier location in person for any reason.
- You must upload your current vaccination status to SAFEHawk by Dec. 1 and upload your second vaccination receipt no later than Dec. 21. See deadlines and more details below.
- Students who do not comply with the vaccination policy by the deadlines below will be deregistered from their in-person winter term courses. The university will be closed from Dec. 23 to Jan. 2 and will be able to assist students after the break.
Things You Can Do Today
- Upload your current vaccination status to the SAFEHawk app. Make sure you use your Laurier login credentials. Read more instructions on the SAFEHawk Proof of Vaccination and Self-Assessment page.
- If you have already uploaded your vaccination status, go to the SAFEHawk app to make sure it’s correct. Select your campus location, then click on "COVID-19 Resources," "Vaccine Passport" and "Passport Status." If you have entered your information correctly, you should have a green badge (if fully vaccinated) or a pending badge (if you are partially vaccinated or applied for an exemption). If you’ve received your second dose, make sure you upload your vaccination receipt to update your status now.
Important Dates
Don’t miss these key dates and next steps to make sure you stay registered in your courses.
Nov. 15 – Exemption Application Deadline (Now Passed)
Deadline to apply for a medical or religion/creed exemption under the Human Rights Code and update your status to the app. Find information and forms on the SAFEHawk Proof of Vaccination and Self-Assessment page. Note that exemption requests received after this date will not be processed in time for you to be in compliance with the vaccination policy for winter term.
Dec. 1 – Upload Vaccination Status Deadline (Now Passed)
Deadline to upload your vaccination status to the SAFEHawk app – either as fully vaccinated or as partially vaccinated with your second dose scheduled for no later than Dec. 21.
Dec. 2 – Deregistration from In-Person Courses (Now Passed)
Students who have not uploaded their vaccination status to the SAFEHawk app will be deregistered from their in-person winter term courses or prevented from registering for in-person winter term courses.
Dec. 21 – Second Dose Deadline
Deadline to upload proof or a planned date of your second vaccination dose and upload it to the SAFEHawk app to be considered fully vaccinated and to avoid deregistration from in-person winter term courses.
Note that the university will be closed for the holidays as of Dec. 23. Staff will be able to assist students after the holidays on Jan. 3.
Further Information
The university will send targeted reminders to students as we approach these deadlines and information after these deadlines. Please make sure to follow the steps listed above and to read your emails to avoid deregistration.