Best wishes on the end of term
Dear Laurier undergraduate and graduate students,
As we reach the end of the fall term, I send you my very best wishes in finishing assignments and projects and writing exams. May you have success as we head into the final stretch.
As we prepare for a return to regular in-person operations in the winter term, I want to thank you for your contributions and patience over the past many months as we worked to ensure a safe and gradual return to our campuses. Students give life to our campuses and make them the thriving communities that they are.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our number one priority at Laurier has been the health and safety of our community. In addition to our mandatory vaccination policy, we will continue to follow a number of health and safety protocols in the winter term. As we continue this recovery stage of the pandemic, I know that you will continue to demonstrate care and consideration for each other and our broader community, and I am grateful for this.
I hope that you have a restful winter break and find time to connect with your friends and loved ones over the holidays. I encourage you to take a real break — enjoy some outdoor activities, read a good book, or binge-watch some shows.
I am looking forward to being together once again in the winter term.