Mandatory Safety Training on MyLearningSpace
Dear students:
As part of Laurier’s continued efforts to focus on the health and safety of the university community amid the ongoing risks of COVID-19, the delta variant and other variants of concern, mandatory awareness training, “COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Students on Campus” will be provided to students in order to communicate the requirements of Laurier developed safety protocols. Training must be completed through MyLearningSpace if you are on campus and/or attending an in-person class.
This training will also ensure that you are aware of your roles, responsibilities, and behavioural expectations when attending any in-person instruction.
In order to complete the online training session, you must have a valid username and password. Instructions to access the training:
- Log in to MyLearningSpace account using your Laurier username and password.
- Select 'Self Registration' at the top left-hand side of the home screen.
- Select the course COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Students on Campus and click 'Register.'
- Once you have registered for the course it should appear on your home screen under 'My Courses.'
- Select the course COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Students on Campus to enter the course home page.
- Once you have finished the training, you can access and download a PDF copy of your certificate through the 'Awards' link in the COVID course and submit this to course instructors if they request it.
Wishing you a safe and successful fall term,
Tony Vannelli and Ivan Joseph