Power restored to Laurier’s Waterloo campus
July 14, 2022
Update 4:30 p.m.:
Laurier’s Facilities and Asset Management (FAM) team worked closely with Waterloo North Hydro to troubleshoot the situation. The power has now been restored and regular campus operations have resumed. Classes will resume as normal July 15.
Original notice:
Certain locations on Wilfrid Laurier University’s Waterloo campus are experiencing a power outage due to construction taking place on King St. The outage has also affected network connectivity in some areas.
At this point, the following buildings have confirmed power outages. These buildings will be locked until power is restored:
- Arts Building
- Aird Building
- Alumni Hall
- Athletic Complex
- Bouckaert
- Bricker Academic
- Fred Nichols Campus Centre
- Laurier Library
- Schlegel
- Science Building
- Science Research (critical systems on backup power)
- Peters Building
Next steps:
- Classes and activities scheduled in these buildings for July 14 will not be held in person.
- Instructors will connect directly with students to make alternate arrangements.
- Students, please monitor MyLS and your emails for information from your instructor.
- Faculty and staff working in affected buildings should work in another university building or remotely if possible. Staff should connect with their direct managers for further direction.
Laurier’s Facilities and Asset Management (FAM) team is working closely with Waterloo North Hydro to troubleshoot the situation. It is anticipated that it will be an extended period before power is restored.
This information has been posted to our websites and social media channels. FAM will advise the university community when the situation has been resolved.
Should you require emergency assistance, please contact Laurier’s Special Constable Service at dispatch@wlu.ca or 519.885.3333.