Request religious accommodations for exams by March 3
Your final exam schedule for the winter 2023 term has now been released. Please ensure that you check your exam schedule and submit any requests for religious accommodations by March 3.
Submit your requests through the Student Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances form. The form will be automatically submitted to the relevant Petitions Committee.
Students observing Ramadan may bring a quiet snack into their evening exam in a clear bag or container to break their fast. Students who require time to observe prayers at the same time as an exam will need to make an exam deferral request through the Student Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances form.
All accommodation requests for final exams are directed to and addressed by the Faculty Petitions Committee for the faculty of the course (i.e., not the student’s “home” faculty).
Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to respecting the religious beliefs and practices of all members of the university community and has a duty to provide accommodation based on creed (religion) under the Ontario Human Rights Code. This obligation requires the university to work with students to provide reasonable accommodation when a student’s religious observances or spiritual beliefs creates a conflict with their academic schedule and subsequent ability to meet the academic requirements of the course as presented in the course outline.
For additional support, please reach out to:
- Centre for Student Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – E: diversity@wlu.ca
- Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management – E: humanrights@wlu.ca
- Office of the Associate Vice President, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – E: avpedi@wlu.ca