Why you should take a summer course – or two!
Top Five Reasons
1. Fast-Track
Taking a course or two in the summer is a great way to get ahead of your studies and reduce your course load for upcoming terms.
2. Save Time
Some accelerated courses can save you time by helping you learn material within a condensed study period. And the bonus with an accelerated course is that you still get time off!
3. Focus
Taking a course or two in the summer can be an opportunity to focus on the courses that require more of your time or effort.
4. Take Advantage of Online Flexibility
If you take an online course you can earn credits anywhere, whether you're travelling around or back in your home town for the summer.
5. Keep Your Momentum
Keep up your learning over the summer and make it easier to maintain rhythm and balance when you're back on campus in the fall.
Financial Considerations
It can help to spread financial commitments over different terms, but note that the fewer courses you take in a semester, the less cost-effective it is. Make sure you understand how your tuition and incidental fees work, and reach out to a money management advisor if you need help. There is also the possibility of receiving OSAP for spring term.