Getting Involved and Staying in Touch
Student Clubs and Organizations
Laurier Brantford offers plenty of opportunities to get involved in clubs and leadership related to human rights and human diversity.
HRHD Student Association
We have an active students’ association that organizes social and academic activities for the benefit and enjoyment of the Human Rights and Human Diversity students. You can find out more at their Facebook page.
Laurier Brantford WUSC Chapter
World University Service Canada (WUSC) is an organization promoting volunteerism, fostering global citizenship, and proving educational opportunities for refugees. Find WUSC Laurier Brantford on Facebook.
Laurier Brantford Amnesty International Chapter
Laurier Brantford's campus club works alongside Amnesty International to stand for human rights.
Stay in Touch
HRHD on Twitter
The HRHD program has started a Twitter feed. Associate Professor Andrew Robinson maintains it to keep you informed about news stories of relevance to human rights and human diversity and HRHD-related events, developments, opportunities, job ads, etc.
HRHD Group on LinkedIn
The HRHD LinkedIn group is intended to enable current HRHD students and alumni to stay in touch with the program and to stay in touch and network with each other now and after graduation. To join, create a LinkedIn account, and then apply for membership by clicking "Ask to Join." If you’re an HRHD student or grad, approval is guaranteed.