MA455A: Partial Differential Equations (Fall 2020)
Calendar Description
Hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic differential equations; boundary value problems of applied mathematics including such partial differential equations as the heat equation, the wave equation and Laplace's equation. Techniques will include separation of variables, canonical transformations and integral transform methods.
MA104 or MA200, MA201 and MA205, and a 0.5 MA credit at the 300 level.
Dr Cristina Stoica
Email: cstoica@wlu.ca
Tuesday, Thursday10:00am - 11:20am
Students may only use the approved scientific calculator, Casio FX-300MS Plus, on course tests and the final examination. No other calculator is allowed. It is available for purchase at the campus bookstore.
Materials related to this course and the full course outline will be posted on the MA455 MyLearningSpace website. You are responsible for checking here on a regular basis for important announcements.
A final mark out of 100 will be calculated as follows:
- Tests (Oct 27 and Nov 19, at the end of the lectures): 40%
- Quizzes (Sept 22, Sept 29, Nov 3, and Nov 10, at the end of the lectures): 30%
- Final Examination (online, details TBA, 2.5 hours)
The final mark will be reported as a letter grade in accordance with the conversion table of the current undergraduate calendar.
This document is a summary of the course outline for MA455 and is provided for the convenience of students.