ST230A: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Science (Fall 2020)
Calendar Description
Data collection and description including univariate and bivariate frequency tables, histograms and summary statistics; elementary probability theory; random variables and expectations; sampling theory and the Central Limit Theorem; estimation and hypothesis testing for data from one and two normal populations.
MA104, or (one of MA101, MA103, MA110*, and either MA121 or MA122)
MA240, MA241, BU205, BU255, EC205, EC255, EC285, ST260.
Professor Zilin Wang (PhD)
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. – noon or by appointments
through Zoom Meeting
Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. in LH1010 (Lazaridis Hall).
Lab Coordinator
Katie McGarry,
J. L. Devore and K. N. Berk. Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications. Second Edition.
2012. Springer.
Students may use a non-programmable, non-graphing calculator on course tests, the midterm and the final examination.
Materials related to this course and the full course outline will be posted on the ST230 MyLearningSpace website. You are responsible for checking here on a regular basis for important announcements.
A final mark out of 100 will be calculated as follows:
- Lab Reports (Every other Thursday): 15%
- Assignments: 20%
- Midterm Test 1 (October 8th): 18%
- Midterm Test 2 (Novemner 12th): 18%
- Final Exam (exact date, time and location to be announced): 29%
This document is a summary of the course outline for ST230 and is provided for the convenience of students.