ST359A: Probability II (Fall 2020)
Calendar Description
Formal probability spaces and random variables; multivariate and conditional distributions; functions of jointly distributed random variables; mathematical expectations; conditioning; moment generating function and other transforms; functions of random variables; modes of convergence and limit theorems; introduction to topics in applied probability.
MA201, ST259.
Dr. G. (Joe) Campolieti
Office: LH3073 (Lazaridis Hall)
(Note: all office hours are virtual.) e-mail:
All lectures will be virtual and asynchronously pre-recorded using Virtual Classroom
and/or Zoom within My Learning Space. All recorded lectures will be viewable for every Tuesday and
Thursday lecture dates within the semester
Allan Gut. An Intermediate Course in Probability, 2nd Edition. Springer, 2009.
Materials related to this course and the full course outline will be posted on the ST359 MyLearningSpace website. You are responsible for checking here on a regular basis for important announcements.
A final mark out of 100 will be calculated as follows:
- Test 1 : 25%
- Test 2 : 20%
- Tutorials: 15%
- Final Examination (2.5 hours, exact date, time and location to be announced): 40%
Students must achieve a score of at least 40% of the marks available on the final examination to be eligible to pass the course. The final mark will be reported as a letter grade in accordance with the conversion table of the current undergraduate calendar.
This document is a summary of the course outline for ST359 and is provided for the convenience of students.