MA338A: Graph Theory (Winter 2019)
Calendar Description
Selected topics may include graph colouring, extremal graph theory, planar graphs, random graphs, network flows, algebraic methods in graph theory, Ramsay theory for graphs, matching theory, graph algorithms; application of graph theory, such as applications to scheduling, VLSI circuits, compiler design, computer vision and the design of internet search engines.
Professor Kathie Cameron (PhD)
Office: LH3041 (Lazaridis Hall)
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:30 a.m. - noon. Other times by appointment or chance.
T: x2651
Tuesday and Thursday 1 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. in DAWB 2-101 (Dr. Alvin Woods Building)
West, Douglas B., Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Materials related to this course and the full course outline will be posted on the MA338 MyLearningSpace website. You are responsible for checking here on a regular basis for important announcements.
A final mark out of 100 will be calculated as follows:
- Quizzes: 15%
- Algorithm Assignment: 5%
- Midterm Test (In class, Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019): 30%
- Final Exam (2.5 hours, exact date, time and location to be announced): 50%
The final mark will be reported as a letter grade in accordance with the conversion table of the current undergraduate calendar.
This document is a summary of the course outline for MA338 and is provided for the convenience of students.