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Student fees are assessed to student accounts every term of registration and invoices are posted monthly. 

Laurier communicates by email with students and proxy users when new invoices are posted and provides reminders of holds added to accounts for non-payment. Laurier may also communicate by SMS or phone calls to encourage you to review your invoice, make a payment or reach out to our office if you need any support. 

Laurier's internal collections team works with you to resolve past-due payment issues faily and equitably. 

In the case where your account balance remains outstanding after multiple attempts to connect, we will refer your account to the third-party collections agency, D&A Group Services, for support. 

Process Overview

Accounts deemed overdue will be referred to our internal collection office for further review. 

In addition to the monthly invoices posted to LORIS, you will receive pending collections warnings by email, SMS, hard copy letter and a phone call, provided that you have the correct contact information on file. 

Continued nonpayment will follow a schedule of actions depending on how long your fees have been overdue. 

Process and Communication Breakdown

Stage One: Identification and Review

Identify student accounts with overdue balances and no current registration. 

Stage Two: Outreach and Notification

Balances less than six months old, no current registration. 

  • Action: Overdue balance reminder after each new invoice is generated, includes soft collections notice to all active emails on file. 

Balances over six months old, no current registration. 

  • Action: Past due notice is sent to all active emails on file, including a firm pending collections referral notice. You will have approximately 60 days to pay your outstanding balance or your account will be referred to a third-party collections agency where continued nonpayment will be reported to the credit bureau. 
  • First warning (approx. 60 days before) along with standard invoice notifications, you will also receive: 
    • a collection warning notification to all active emails on file, 
    • your invoice will include a comment noting your pending referral, and
    • a hard copy letter sent to all active addresses on file approximately one week later.
  • Second warning (approx. 30 days before) along with standard invoice notifications, you will also receive: 
    • a collection warning notification to all active emails on file, 
    • your invoice will include a comment noting your pending referral, 
    • SMS notification to all active phone numbers on file, and
    • a phone call scheduled one week after to all active phone numbers on file. 
  • Final warning (approx. two weeks before the final due date by email notification to all active emails on file. 

Stage Three: Final Review

After the 60-day deadline has passed, the collections office will complete a final review of all accounts to ensure that no alternative action can be taken. 

Stage Four: Account Referral 

At this point, your account is referred to D&A Group Services. Continued nonpayment will be reported to the credit bureau. 

Once referred, you should reach out to D&A Group Services to discuss your options by phone at 1.888.395.1147. For frequently asked questions, visit D&A Group Services' website